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It's Gestalten; Beware of Anxious Trippers
Citation:   ch3ch2oh. "It's Gestalten; Beware of Anxious Trippers: An Experience with 2C-I (exp32590)". Aug 9, 2004.

16 mg oral 2C-I
Material: 14, 14, 16, 16, 17 mgs 2C-I
Body Weight: 110 lbs ( 49 kg), 125 lbs ( 56 kg), 155 lbs ( 69 kg), 170 lbs ( 76 kg), 180 lbs ( 80 kg) respectively.
Date & Time: 22:20 4/2/04

The story:

This time I traveled to Brooklyn to visit some art student friends. There were 5 of us settled in for the adventure. It was Brad’s apartment, and so along with myself, and my good friend Jane, were Brad’s boyfriend Matt and their roommate Veronica (who had really great tits).

Veronica is a fine arts major and had albums and albums of experimental photography lying around. Matt is a painter and had the walls of the common areas of the apartment patched over with spatters of innumerable colors. His works were characterized by raised paint encrusted ridges, which gave the paintings depth and contrast. Brad is a design major and so was responsible for the decoration of the apartment. Each of the doorways leading from the living room was covered not by a door but by a curtain pulled to its side- reminiscent of stage curtains. These were bright yellow and dull green. An ornamental Asian carpet was centered on the floor. Along one wall uncluttered with artwork was draped a deep maroon fabric with an intricately stitched pattern.

T-00:30 We settle into the apartment and I go out to the corner deli to pick up bottled waters a bag of popcorn, a snickers bar and 3 peaches. Back at the apartment I set aside the food and prepared the 2C-I. 14 mg for each girl, 16 mg for Matt, 17 mg for Brad and 16 mg for me (up from 15 on last episode).

T-00:00 I mix the pills into separate cups of hot water and dissolve one packet of EmergenC brand vitamin powder into each. I decided to wait an hour to take my dose, just to ensure their safe crossover. We listen to some “Kruder& Dorfmeister” and kick back talking lightly about people we know and generally playing catch up.

T+00:45 Problems. Jane is an anxious person. This is her virgin 2C-I trip and she is concerned that the “acid tingles” she is feeling are going to lead to an acid-like experience. Therefore she is beginning to worry and this is making her stomach turn. At the same time Matt is experiencing stomach pains & acid reflux type problems. He is also extremely anxious about the trip. At first I decided to try to pull their focus off of the fear and anticipation so I asked Matt who was the only one in physical pain what kind of music made him feel the most upbeat. He told me “Joan Baez”. I suffered through the 5 minutes of hippy music to see if it would calm him down. Didn’t really help, he seemed as if he were having an ulcer flare up and that the trip was making him focus on it. So I suggested they smoke some weed. They agreed and it improved Jane’s anxiety and she had no further issue. Matt on the other hand, violently vomited up his dinner. As soon as he was finished though, he felt much more comfortable. Things were stable and everyone was laughing. Assumption- His stomach condition was worsened by anxiety, but the 2C-I is probably culpable to some degree.

T+01:00 I was feeling comfortable enough about the general state of the group that I finally dosed myself. The others were starting to come up at this point and their unfamiliarity with the phases of the 2C-I trip were showing. Music was hard to agree upon. Finally we all gave in to Johnny Cash. This played for the next hour. I began looking through Veronica’s photographs. I stumbled on a picture of Veronica posing with Tricky and a few other musicians. When I asked her about it, she told me that she had gone to Tricky’s house in NJ where her father was working as a contracter and had taken the pic. Then she showed me a bunch of CDs and a CD player that she had stolen from his house. It went something like this: “You stole a CD player and some CDs from Tricky’s house?”…”Yup”. They all say that the tripping is beginning.

T+02:00 They are all tripping HARD. Everything is a metaphor. Everything is a joke. Every few minutes I turn off a light in one room and turn on a light in another to change their awareness of contrast and lighting in the living room. I am starting to come up. I notice that it is not as euphoric as the first trip, just more straightforward & jittery. We all remark that we are cold. I think that this material makes one VERY sensitive to any particular stimulus that one happen to focus on. It was probably cold, but we hadn’t taken notice of it before the trip. Jane is detecting odors that we cannot smell. She smells foods and flower-garden aromas, and someone’s dirty laundry. Brad says he’s not sure he likes it. He thinks it “makes him crazy”. He opens the fridge and starts eating a snickers bar. He hands it to Matt who pushes it away. He is NOT interested in food. In fact, no one is particularly interested in food. Conversation is good and nicely integrated. Veronica seems very happy. She remarks that she likes how clean her thinking is despite being intoxicated. I agree that linear thinking seems to be preserved very well.

T+03:00 The four of them are smokers, and I am not. When they each considered smoking they all lit up out of habit and when they pulled the smoke they all looked at each other as if it were to most ridiculous thing in the world. No one wanted to smoke cigarettes. In fact, they were all horribly turned off by the idea. The grainy feel of the smoke against their nostrils they all said- it was unpleasant, and smoking in general seemed completely unnecessary. I am tripping harder this time. Things are different. I am making the same connections between colors and I am seeing patterns in everything, but this time I actually see fully tangible, 3-D hallucinations. The drapes have sunflower faces in them and the smoke from the crushed cigarette butts lingers in the air making figures and shapes in the air. Sunflower faces form in the smoke and swim through the air like fish. The smoke fades and I am staring at a piece of modern art, a painting and it begins to warp as I stare at it intently. There is a sense of purpose in my stare as if I know that my stare is going to produce something. Out of the painting the shapes of color and texture begin to blend and I see the canvas transform into an Assyrian Bas relief. It’s reminiscent of those old stone edifices with bearded chariot riders and archers depicted in war. I am enthralled. I have never seen such palpable OEVs before. Neither mushrooms nor acid have ever produced such a realistic figure in my visual field. When I look away and then look back I do not have to wait for the painting to warp again. The relief is still there, unchanged. My vision retains its focus on all other objects and I am perfectly capable of seeing everything as it is…including this stone carving. Breathtaking. I am surprised that the increase from 15 to 16 mg has produced such a remarkable change in the intensity of the hallucinations.

T+04:00 They are all peaking. The music has been swapped for Miles Davis. This works somehow. We are all very talkative and laughing and laughing. Jane says her trip is very “mushroom-like”. We all comment that the lines along the edges of the walls do not seem straight, and that corners are knotted somehow. The stage curtains make the three doorways seem like actual stages. Every time one of us stands in an archway, we are on stage. The backlighting helps convey this. Life is a show. Metaphor. I whip out a laser pointer and start leading the cats around the house with it. They commence a chase and I have a ball waving the dot around the walls. The cats are diving and jumping. The curtains make us all think “circus”. Jane says that cats are stupid because they chase dots around- dots that aren’t really there. It occurs to me that we aren’t much different from these “dot” chasing cats. Metaphor.

T+05:00 Veronica’s lips are a luxuriant and velvetine rouge. They remind me of Liv Tyler’s lips. I would very much like to touch them and taste them. It seems inappropriate though so I keep it to myself. Not such a big sexual push this time, but I definitely would like to run my hands over her. We turn on two stereos at once and the dissonance seems to work really well in contrast to the last trip. I have been drinking a bottle of water every hour, and pissing like a racehorse again. The kitchen is snug and while Brad and Matt talk quietly standing in it, they seem as though they are in a bar and we three, excluded people, are outside looking in. We all seem to have this impression. Brad decides to take a shower to see what water feels like. He comes out after 10 minutes looking very pleased.

T+06:00 Obligatory Radiohead on the CD player. Jane is munching on popcorn. She says it has the flavor of cardboard, but the texture of Styrofoam. She is strangely interested by this texture and continues to eat the kernels. Matt and I begin to discuss his painting. I explain to him my vision of the stone Assyrian warriors. We talk about color and texture, and the deduction of intent and the process of a painting. I am realizing that one can see much more about a painting and the painter if one looks deeply. One can see the order paints have been applied and directions strokes have been laid. This process conveys much more to me than I am used to seeing in modern art. Sleeping arrangements are discussed and it is obvious that they are coming down quickly. The time dilation between hours 2 and 3 was immense.

T+07:00 The Cure is playing on the CD player, and “killing an Arab” makes its debut. Maybe I should have read “The stranger” because I don’t get this song at all. I am coming down and thinking about the lessons I’ve learned on this journey. I can’t imagine what 30 mgs must be like if 15à16 mgs produces such a dramatic difference in intensity. OEVs must be insane. My guess is that stomach discomfort and shivers would probably increase as well however. We prepare to sleep. I grab the couch.

5.5 hours of sleep. Not tired upon waking, but my muscles are tense. Stretching feels good. The others are all hungry but I am indifferent. We hit up a diner and then Jane and I drive off. Good amount of energy today, I really like this lack of hangover. Of the 5 of us the only one who experienced any ill aftereffects was Brad. He had a headache that disappeared after taking excedrine.

I have much more to say about this compound, but to be able to generalize about avoiding the possible pitfalls and enhancing the positive effects, i will need to do more experimentation (of course). I really feel though that if one wants a good trip, they should have a lot of stimulus on hand. The consensus in my circles is that this stuff enhances one's sensitivity to stimulus (amongst other things) so that one becomes much more aware of the subtlties in things- the reaction of the smokers to their own 2nd hand smoke was a good example. They all agreed that they could 'feel' the grains of smoke particles in their nostrils and none of them liked it. My own experience in eating celery produced a result that was unfamiliar because the tactile sensations of the celery against my tongue were far more stimulating than the stimulus of 'flavor'. The popcorn eating girl agreed that although the flavor of popcorn approached something like 'cardboard' she was fascinated by the texture she could experience. More to come in about 6 weeks- i like to pace myself.

edit: a note about 'matt's' stomach problems.

I came to the conclusion half way through the trip, after observing matt interact with everyone that his introduction to the drug effects must have been awfully stress inducing. Here I am a friend of his friend, whom he doesn't know all that well, giving him drugs that he also doesn't know at all. Matt is a very quiet and guarded person around strangers, and I think the combination of foreign drug effects with foreign people in his apartment was initially overwhelming for him. This resulted in an acid flare up. I have noticed a few comments regarding acid reflux and 2C-I and I'm not altogether sure that there is a direct connection, but I would caution anyone with a predisposition to anxiety to begin their use of 2c-I conservatively and to have stress reducing materials on hand for a trip. Antacids may be a good idea, but in my opinion the greatest alleviation of stomach discomfort may come from dealing with the psychological components of the stress.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 32590
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 9, 2004Views: 13,736
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