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All Power to the Life Liver
Citation:   Psilly. "All Power to the Life Liver: An Experience with DMT (exp34118)". Jun 6, 2004.

1 hit smoked DMT (powder / crystals)

Light rain talks in hushed whispers with the Earth,
A friendly, random recurrant chatter
That echoes from & thru,
A unified verse...

A lone white horse
Shelters under a tree on the mountain before me
The presence of its hooves on the roots
Are a mute hymn to the many uses of leaves.

Smoke drifts from my mouth in loops
Round my fingertips and off into the air
Slowly so dissipated as to become one with it,


But so much is going on!


Instant admittance to the orange festival of Love
Pipe in the Buzz
Riding on River roar
Unfold other dimensions
Fill me with Awe...

Pathways loop laughing holes
Into Space that creates
D'MTness buzzing thru
Leaving Love in its wake -
Ripples of joyous chatter
Strange juice laid out on a plate,
Dripping from me, from the Sun
Like sweat, I can taste it!

I melt into a billion just Bee'Zzz
Pleased beyond belief
With the sheer joy of simply existing
Simplex sting,
Infinite levels of complexity so pure
As to make my I's blur...

Just me, the Sun
The pine under which the spell was spun
And the slowly less mechanic more organic
Gurgle roar of the flowing River...

Blessed Be the knowing Giver!

All power to the Life Liver!!!

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 34118
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 6, 2004Views: 6,245
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DMT (18) : Unknown Context (20), Poetry (43), Nature / Outdoors (23), Mystical Experiences (9), General (1)

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