Connecting with the Great Spirit
Cacti - T. pachanoi
by 007
Citation:   007. "Connecting with the Great Spirit: An Experience with Cacti - T. pachanoi (exp35146)". Aug 20, 2004.

2.0 g   Cacti - T. pachanoi
This report concerns itself only with the energy, or “spirit” component of the San Pedro Cactus - not the alkaloids that it contains. Firstly, “why the interest in this side of the plant?” In honesty, I don’t always have the time for such deep journeys (i.e. using alkaloids/psychoactive materials).

I have used essence of San Pedro (made like the Bach flower remedies) for some three years now with great success. The experience was always quite mild and not that noticeable, until I discovered that there was a better way of experiencing the energy. I find that simply boiling a couple of grams of dried plant material in a cup of water and standing over the steam and inhaling (like the way Eucalyptus is used when you have a cold). The remaining tea can also be drunk, but this is not necessary. For me, the energy is with me for 2-3 days and I always learn (or remember) something of importance. It is though all that I usually pay attention to (buildings, roads, people, doing type things) is reduced in its prominence in my awareness. And all that I usually ignore, is far more pronounced (trees and their bark, plants, flowers, space definition). Too, I often feel quite euphoric and stimulated. The energy, above all, feels very healing and for many weeks afterwards I feel so much more balanced. The awareness that I opened up to remains with me for quite some time afterwards.

The following experience took place some seven months ago on Monday 22nd December 2003.

I boiled the 2g of cactus material for an hour or so. Whilst adding more water where needed, I took many breaths of the steam that the simmering pan gave off, and let the moist warmth gently wash over my face. I became aware of a change in being after 15 minutes or so. It was my decision that I spend time with myself. However, after first noticing its effects, my immediate desire was to phone a friend and catch up with him and find out what he had been doing.

The alteration of awareness was more profound than with Pedro essence. I was surprised that the energy had effected me so much being that I had used the dilute essence the previous evening. The first major thing that I experienced, was when I was laying in bed the same night. I was in a sort of semi-sleep state where I saw in my minds eye, I saw everything that I had in my flat loose its colour and its individual definition and become white and all one thing. I was a little freaked at this, but I knew that it was the spirit that was teaching me, but it effected me more than usual. I got up for the loo an hour or so after retiring and was still in this interesting space.

At around 10:30pm the following evening, after an enjoyable evening with my work buddies, I got off the bus at the bottom of my road. Upon walking past the local bowels pitch, I noticed the shrubs around the edges and how they looked. But the point is, I really_noticed_the shrubs. I saw them in a way that felt totally natural, yet in a way that I hadn’t seen since I was a young boy. I then looked at the trees that were on either side of the road that led up the hill and they had enormous presence. The world felt filled with a thick energy. An energy that I had once been fully aware of, but had since forgotten.

I was very busy during the course of the next day, so I didn’t have a chance of exploring the state. It was on he 24th (Christmas Eve) that I really noticed changes to my awareness. On the drive back to my parents house in the country, things were far more prominent in my vision than usual. Everything around me looked as it did when I was a child. I was seeing things in great detail, as they really were, rather than as just things that I was seeing in an everyday kind of way. This became more pronounced when I had left my home town and was driving in the country. Everything around me had its own “isness” yet the energy of all that I saw held the same divine spirit that made up everything, including myself. There was a grandness in all that I saw.

Later that day I drove through a village that I know on the way to my parents house. A little way ahead of me was a small church. Before looking at it I wondered if it would look any different in this state of being (it is a marvellous looking building anyway). Upon seeing the building, it immediately presented itself to me in a subtlely charachetured appearance. This, I thought, is how things really look. I decided to stop at the last town that was on route to my parents home. The town that I always saw, I had never really_seen_ before now. I knew all of the surrounding perfectly as I always did, but the way the town looked, I will never forget. It was as though I had always walked around with my eyes shut. As I walked up the street towards a shop that I was going to go into, I saw a man that stuck out at me from the other people that were also walking along the street. He was a middle-aged man that was obviously local to the area, as he was dressed in a very traditional middle class English style. He wore an olive green tweed suit and smart chocolate brown shoes. I saw him from at least 20 feet away, but immediately noticed the texture of his tweed suit, which looked positively marvellous. Normally, I would have had to have been 18 inches away to really see the texture, and even then, it wouldn’t really seem that interesting. But right then, wow! What a rich fabric it was. Whether or not the man had bought the outfit for the texture of its material, was of no concern to me. In my mind, I found myself commenting to him, saying “hey, nice suit buddy”.

The following few days were very enjoyable and the experience gradually past. My perception has kept the essence of that experience and everything around me has a very natural look to it. Especially living things like trees, plants etc.

That concludes this report, with just a couple of things that I would like to say. Firstly, these experiences have demonstrated to me that there is much to explore with the careful use of these sacred plants. Secondly, using the plant in this manner has shown me that it is not just the biologically active principles (“drug”) of the sacred plants that have the effects that they do. To me now, I see that there is far more going on in the universe than I had previously thought (as an adult anyway).

That’s all for now. I hope that you have enjoyed reading this report. Good luck to you all with your explorations. I hope that they bring you great peace.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 35146
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 20, 2004Views: 12,403
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Cacti - T. pachanoi (64) : Alone (16), Glowing Experiences (4)

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