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Made Me Melt
Citation:   Mushy. "Made Me Melt: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp35246)". Jul 18, 2018.

2.25 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
    oral Vitamin C (liquid)
    repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
It was a beutiful sunday and a freind and I planned on tripping mushrooms. We split a rather large cap and took some where around 2 - 2.5 grams each. I chewed my mushrooms very finly and chased it down with a little bit of orange juice. We then smoked some pot to curb the naseua to ensure we tripped well. We walked down to a public park near by the river. We sat and smoked more pot to some Bob Marley. I had a bit of anxiety due to the excitement of consuming mushrooms for my first time. We sat there and waited for our trip to begin. I noticed that every once in a while I would breifly see strange spider webs that had a supernatural shine to them. But I wasnt sure if it was anything.

I closed my eyes and it hit me like a brick to the face, I was getting intense closed eye visuals, it was beutifully brilliant and colorful, patterns fly all around. To see this made me feel very overwhelmed. So I opened up my eyes to see that my surroundings had changed immensely. All of the trees seemes to breath in and out. The leaves and vines curled up into odd shapes. At this point I new I was tripping and there was no backing out now. Everything seemed to have a Dr. Seus apearence to it. I squeezed my jaw and I crushed it into ball, when I let go of it and it sprung back out to its natural form.

I began laughing nervously as I looked over to my friend , wondering if he had began tripping to. It took me by total suprise when I saw my freinds face had skeleton bone patterns moving all over. It was suggested that we smoke more pot but I was going to crazy from my surroundings to gather my thoughts to get my pipe and pot out. I was in awe of my freinds face melting away. I eventually managed to load another bowl and we smoked. My arms looked like they were under kalida-scope vision and I saw mesquito bites on my arms dancing around. My veins in my arms began to change and make diamond patterns.

At this point I was seeing fractals all over the ground and trees. Hypnotic lizard patterns were every where, it was overwhelming, we later left that spot and started walking, I looked over at the river and stared into the water. I met up later with my freind, he was peaking at this concrete structure and colors were swarming all over us.

My moods changed from extremely happy to scared off and on. We found a gazeebo and thats when everything turned into a nightmare. The trees and vines all began turning evil and wicked. I was dehydrating and started having a bad fucking trip. My freind came to the rescue with water and I felt like I was on top of the world again.

I spent most of the trip watching the trees drop beads of sweat off of themselves. The tree limbs contorted and twisted into spirals. The trip itself lasted about 4 hours. After the trip I felt peaceful and calm.

Overall I enjoyed myself and I enjoyed the profound experience that the mushrooms gave to me.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 35246
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 18, 2018Views: 880
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Mushrooms (39) : General (1), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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