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Intensity Far Beyond Morning Glories
H. B. Woodrose
Citation:   Yogi Wannabe. "Intensity Far Beyond Morning Glories: An Experience with H. B. Woodrose (exp36281)". Jun 10, 2007.

8 seeds oral H.B. Woodrose (tea)
First off, let's get into my mindset here. I don't take any medication or herbs regularly, just vitamin pills, and occasional caffeine and alcohol. Although I have experimented with marijuana, mushrooms, morning glory seeds, and DXM. I have suffered from depression and anxiety disorder in the past and am fascinated by psychedelics and their help in therapy in experiments conducted by psychologists in the 60s. Also I had recently read about how some Ancient cultures wouldn't consider someone an adult until they had had a full blown psychedelic experience. I have experimented with Morning Glory seeds before and decided that HBW seeds give more bang for the buck.

So I purchased Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds and rinsed them off. I then peeled off the shells and fuzzy brown coating mostly with my finger nails because I kept cutting myself with the knife when I tried to use. I then ground them in a coffee grinder and poured the powder into 16oz. of grapefruit juice. It was hard as hell to keep the drink down, possibly due to previous experiences with morning glory seeds, which have given me pretty bad nausea in the past, although it didn't really taste too bad. In retrospect, I got most but not all of the fuzzy coating off.

The first effects were slight fatigue and nausea which gradually increased. About two hours after dosing the fatigue grew so intense that all I wanted to do was lay on the bed. My joints ached and I felt very nauseous and had the decision to make of whether to lay by the toilet or on my bed. I slumped by the toilet and had so little energy that I had to hold my head up with my hands. As much as I wanted the stuff out of me at this point, I didn't have the energy to vomit so I knew that I had to deal with these effects. Thoughts swam around my head that I had poisoned myself with these seeds and I had to keep reassuring myself that I would be all right due to the reasonable dose. I collapsed on my bed and listened to some music but it didn't sound as good as it has on other drugs although it was enhanced. It had more of a 3-D effect and I could feel the emotions a little more than usual. The pain in my joints, nausea, and the fatigue were so bad it took all my strength just to stand up. I decided once and for all it wasn't worth the hell I was going through for any positive effects.

After seven hours had passed, I had to pretend I was taking a nap so my mom couldn't tell I was tripping. I laid down in bed and I started panicking and wondering if I would ever come down. What if I had to go to work the next day with my pupils dilated? In some of my more relaxed moments, I started thinking about everyone I know and that I had lost touch with and what they were doing right at that second. I thought about how much I miss my grandmother. I eventually had to pee so I decided I'd have to pretend to wake up. I peed and watched some t.v. Luckily my mom couldn't tell I was tripping. Thankfully she did not look into my eyes much at all, which was a good thing because the visual stage had just begun! A full 8 HOURS after ingesting the seeds!!! I don't know if grapefruit juice or the strange dosage curve has anything to do with the length of time it took. The visuals were pretty much nonmoving patterns that resemble ancient art designs. The body load started to lighten up by this time as I physically felt more agile and that I could keep food down. Although I was worried that the real trip seemed to be just beginning, I felt comfortable that I wasn't hiding in my room and was prepared for any consequences that may result.

Anyway, maybe the decision to stop pretending I was asleep opened up my mind. I suddenly felt this intense love towards my mom and all of humanity. I thought about how we all just want to be loved deep down and we are all in search of it. I wanted to tell her that moment that I loved her but she would have known something was going on with me. We only say that when going away for a while so it was best if I kept my mouth shut or she'd know I was on something. If she had known I was tripping there would have been hell to pay.

It seems that it took down some walls that had been built up. I'm a big dude but it was o.k. to miss my grandmother. I thought of stuff I never would have thought about. How we should all be real and stop faking so much. So much of what people do is to build up some facade so that other people will think a certain way about them. It seemed that I was sleepwalking through life and I have to wake up and get active.

To sum up, I received some amazing insights from eight little seeds. But I would not wish the eight hours of hell that I went through on anyone. Please be careful, those eight seeds are tiny but knocked a 230 pound guy on his ass for a good eight hours. I personally won't ever try them again in spite of the revelations. The effects lasted THIRTEEN HOURS IN ALL!!!!!

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 36281
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 10, 2007Views: 7,014
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