Empathy and Sociability
Citation:   VitaMan. "Empathy and Sociability: An Experience with Kratom (exp39255)". Erowid.org. Feb 26, 2005. erowid.org/exp/39255

1.5 g oral Kratom (capsule)
Since one's diet and lifestyle can be a determining factor within the context of any biochemical experimentation, perhaps the following report is biased by the fact that my own dietary regimen consists of strict vegetarianism to the exclusion of fish and eggs as well.

Report: Kratom (powdered leaf, standard issue)

Encapsulated enough Kratom to make 12 500mg capsules (6 grams).
Took 3 caps (1.5 grams) with 6 oz. of Organic Barley Juice.
Approximately 15-20 minutes later a noticable altered state began sweeping over my body. The initial feeling was like waking up to something new; a wave of exhileration, yet not really euphoric. After another half-hour or so the feeling became familiar in the sense that now there was a general sense of well-being felt throughout the body. The psychological correlate to the body 'wave' was by now a mild euphoria, still managable with motivation to take action on the project-at-hand.

After sometime, maybe and hour later when there was certainty of the capacity to maintain any 'normal' function, when around other people my sense of empathy and sociability seemed better to a marked degree. Even amidst the holiday crowd, my sense of centeredness and focus on the task-at-hand was noticably better. Even though at times all around me it seemed that people were running about in a rather hysterical manner, shopping and the like, my sense of awareness remained unaffected by the distractions in the immediate environment.

Kratom can be a useful alternative to what is commercially promoted as anti-anxiety medication, and can perhaps be useful during this time of stress and hypertension caused by the current state-of-affairs in the world today. Although there is the possiblity for abuse, that same possibility is prevelant anytime a psychoactive substance is used.

Intelligently Guided Intention, together with Objective Education, can provide the Key to Better Understanding; and with Better Understanding comes Freedom to Explore.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 39255
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 26, 2005Views: 12,201
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Kratom (203) : Festival / Lg. Crowd (24), General (1)

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