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They Truly Are Magic
Citation:   Jimsonhead3. "They Truly Are Magic: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp39515)". Dec 12, 2018.

3 tablets oral Morphine (pill / tablet)
  1 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
Let me tell you a story about me and my first real magic-mushroom trip (I had taken them before a few times but received a small mushroom high and thats it). It all started with a friend of mine coming to my house with a bag of some left over mushrooms, the bag contained two and a half stems and a cap.I immediately ate these and chewed them into a fine mush and then swallowed them slowly. Earlier that day I had taken three morphine tablets and I had just come down from this.

As the first hour passed I noticed small auditory changes but nothing to intense after about another half an hour passed I thought this was as far as it was going to go. Half dissapointed I laid down on my bed and listened to some pink floyd at about the second song I start to fell this strong pressure that seemed to be concentrated on the back half of my body after a few minutes past this feeling got stronger and stronger. My stomach felt a little weird like the felling where I have taken some pain killers and I can feel it when they start to dissolve and absorb into my stomach.Then I sat up and zowee my whole body felt extremly light and odd I went over to the mirror looked in it and as I suspected my pupils were litarally as big as dimes. After I saw this it was confirmed I was trippen.

I went back to my bed and layed down and this is where the visuals started. I noticed that my ceiling was moveing and swirling.It was also bending out at me along with my closet like a little man was jumping on them.Then I noticed that there was a glare on my wall in this glare I saw a face not a scary or terrifying face just a face. I then stood up agine and my chair seemed to shrink before my eyes. As cool as these visuals were they werent even half the trip.The best part I think was the felling it this peceful almost orgasmic mentel felling I seemed to be at pece with everything around me. I started thinking these deep introspective thoughts and I finally confirmed what I always thought,that money and power really dont mean shit and that humans fuck everything in this world up and we still have the balls to outlaw gods creations it pissed me off frankly, or it would have pissed me off if I didnt fell so damn good. Well that is about as far as my trip goes the experience was incerdible and id like to thank god for putting these here they truly are magic-mushrooms.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 39515
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 12, 2018Views: 822
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Mushrooms (39) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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