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Convenient Pleasure
Citation:   Choops. "Convenient Pleasure: An Experience with Kratom (exp41590)". Sep 27, 2005.

7.0 g oral Kratom (liquid)
Background: I am very experienced with both legal and illegal substances. I have recently been looking for a nice legal herb that would bring me great pleasure. Salvia divinorum was too intense, blue lotus was mearly placebo, and finally I came across kratom.

After reading all the reports I could find, I decided to purchase 50 grams of 'Super Kratom' My research showed that 6 grams was the dosage for a strong experience. I mixed 6 grams of the finely ground powder into a malt shake and drank it. After waiting for nearly two hours for any feeling to kick in, I gave up and went to sleep. I decided to try a different method. I put 7 grams of the powder in the bottom of a 6 oz cup. I then filled the cup with water. Next, I mixed the kratom and water together with a fork. I consumed the entire contents of the cup (without heating or filtering) within one minute. The taste and texture was bearable. I filled the glass up with water and drank it again to get the remaining powder from the glass. After 20 minutes I began to feel frequent waves of euphoria. I felt slighly warm and very happy. At 30 minutes I felt like doing nothing but lying down and listening to music. I felt very content and satisfied. I felt floaty, spacey, yet focused and able to function normally if needed. I would compare the feeling to a light dose of DXM mixed with Marijuana. I was able to relax and enjoy the expeirence for about two hours before I was unable to keep my eyes open any longer. I had very vivid, pleasant dreams, and awoke with a slight headache.

Conclusion: Kratom is a very pleasurable and convenient shaman tool. The effects were highly enjoyable.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 41590
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 27, 2005Views: 9,612
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Kratom (203) : Unknown Context (20), General (1)

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