Rollin' on a Ball Bearing Floor
MDMA (Ecstasy) & Cannabis
Citation:   XdragonXforcex. "Rollin' on a Ball Bearing Floor: An Experience with MDMA (Ecstasy) & Cannabis (exp42284)". Aug 20, 2007.

T+ 0:00
1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:45 1 cig. smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 1:30 1 bowl smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 3:00 1 bowl smoked Cannabis (plant material)
To start off I'm 17 years old. I've been using mind altering substances for about 2 years. I've smoked cannabis countless times, drank alcohol quite a bit, and I've done shrooms 4 times, between 2 & 3 grams each time. Last night I decided to do ecstacy for my first time with a few of my good friends and it turned out to be a very positive experience.

07:30 pm - Me and N picked up 3 'blue stars' from a trustworthy dealer and we each pop one on the way to T's house. His parents are going to be gone for most of the night. When we get there T pops his pill and we sit around shooting the shit for about 20 minutes.

07:50 - M comes over and buys our extra pill off of us and takes it. At this point I start to feel strange. I can't tell if it's the anticipation or if it's kicking in yet so I ask N and T how they are doing. They are both experienced users and they tell me that it's hardly starting to take effect and I'm in for a ride.

08:10 - We go downstairs and listen to some music on T's stereo. I now feel a difference from everyday reality. It's like the head change that you get off the first hit of weed; my body feels light and walking seems effortless, light seems brighter and music has a different quality.

08:15 - B comes over with some weed and a prerolled joint and suggests that we go smoke it. All 5 of us go into the backyard and light up the joint. I take a hit and it feels like I'm pulling the smoke with every muscle in my body. I take my second hit and I feel it hit me. An uplifting and soothing feeling comes over my body. I look at my friends and see smiles on there faces. I feel happy to know these people and I realize that every person is different and has a unique gift to offer. After we smoke the joint we go inside and put on some trance. At this point I know I'm coming up and I start to get the rolling feeling. I sit on T's leather couch and notice that my sense of touch is extremely heightened. T turns off the lights and turns on his fan.

08:25 - I sit back in the couch and I can feel wave after wave of energy enter my feet and pulse throughout my body. It feels like a subwoofer that puts out happiness and love keeps progressively hitting harder and more frequently and that I'm hearing it with every nerve in my body. I close my eyes and the trance takes me off to another world. It feels like I'm in a spaceship building up to light speed. I open my eyes and realize that I'm so slouched in my seat it's pointless to sit, so I get up and lay on the floor on my back spread eagle.

N pulls out some green keychain lights and holds one in each hand. He comes and stands over me and starts to spin the lights. For those of you that have experienced this it's beyond description but I will do my best. The roll is now in time with the bass of the trance and I can only think of happiness. N gets into the song and is spinning the lights perfectly in time with the music. He alternates patterns and rotations as the music changes and it's the most intense thing I've ever experienced. It's pitch black in the room and all I can see is the lights and N's face. Everything seems so right, like a divine plan, it's as if the lights are interconnecting particles of energy spinning through never ending cosmos.

The song hits a peak and I feel like I'm careening through time and space faster than light. N is swinging his arms in circles so that the lights pass my eyes going in the direction from my chin through the top of my head. I feel my eyes roll into the back of my head and I feel my soul explode into infinity and then fuse back together in a nanosecond. I close my eyes and open them and I know I'm rolling fucking balls. The song ends so I take the lights from N and decide I want to try it out, so I go over and spin them for T. This is also very intense. I harness the music and let the drugs guide my hands. At one point I spin my hands around each other slowly moving them apart and back together and I see T's eyes roll back into his head and I get extreme joy in knowing that I'm blowing his mind, like I just had happen to me a few minutes earlier.

09:00 - The song ends so we decide to go and smoke another bowl. As we sit around I get the most content feeling. I am fuckin beaming and all of my friends know I'm loving it. I tell them that they are good people and that my love for life could conquer all evil in the world. I walk around T's yard feeling plants and trees and smelling flowers. Smelling something on E is the craziest thing. The fragrance of the flowers gives me the deepest love for mother earth. At this point my thoughts turn from an introspective feeling to a wonder and appreciation for all living things and all the joys in life.

We go back inside and M is coming up intensely now (he took his pill 20-30 minutes later than us) So we put the trance back on and T gives him a light show. My sense of touch is almost at an orgasmic level. It's like I'm diving into a neverending pool full of goose-down feathers. Every sensation is so meaningful and intense. We then decide to go on a drive around town.

09:30 - We all get into T's truck and B drives because he's the only one not rolling. We put on the new Mars Volta cd. This is a very good cd for drugs. We start to drive down a really long, straight, flat, main street. The reflectors of our lane look like they're coming out of one point off in the distance and that the truck we're in is opening a zipper in the world. This is the only thing I could call a hallucination during my trip other than tracers of light. I start to think about all of my problems in life and realize that they're small and easy to overcome and that I'm lucky to be alive and have people that care about me. We drive around for a while enjoying the wind and the music and just being in good company.

10:15 - We head back to T's house and Me and N pick up N's car and then head out. We go get gas and I pull out my skateboard and start riding around the parking lot. I found I had more confidence and balance, as if I was one with the skateboard. I landed all my basic tricks and some that I normally have trouble with. We finished getting gas and headed to a party.

10:30 - The party we went to was my friend's 18th birthday party, so it was a good positive environment, and I knew everyone that was there. I said hi to everyone and talked to the people I didn't know that well. I smoked a bowl with my friend who was throwing the party, told him happy birthday and that I was lucky to have him as a friend. We chilled at the party for about an hour and I could feel that I was coming down but still rolling with the music and enjoying the happy vibe of everyone. I had to be home at 12 so we left the party at about 11:40.

12:00 - I get home and feel spent as fuck, mildly tripping, and tired. I get ready for sleep, watch a little tv, and then go to sleep. I lay awake for about 15 min and thought I was going to be up laying awake all night but my blankets and my pillow gave me the a feeling of contentness, warmth, and comfort. I thought about the experience I just went through and reflected on life and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 42284
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 20, 2007Views: 8,228
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MDMA (3) : Glowing Experiences (4), Music Discussion (22), First Times (2), Various (28)

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