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Digging It Out of the Subconscious
Citation:   Kenny the Supporter. "Digging It Out of the Subconscious: An Experience with MDMA (exp43406)". Jul 10, 2021.

1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
    repeated smoked Cannabis  
Pill: Crown Royal Blue (looks like the rolex symbol)

Time taken: 3:30 pm
Rolling time start: 4:30
Peak: 5:30
Comedown: 6:45- 9:30 at nine thirty my stomach was completely relieved and I had passed over my comedown. I was smoking marijuana as well.

What was in my stomach: Sausage, red meat, bread. This was a mistake. My partner ate fruit and nuts prior to taking the pill and her stomach was fine throughout the entire day. I was feeling sick most of the day.

My girlfriend and I did this together. I had been very interested in trying it with her because I knew that it would help us both learn so much about each other. It was her first time. Prior to this experience I had done it a total of eight times.

We took the pill on the bus ride to downtown Portland and about forty five minutes later, when we were walking towards the waterfront park, we started to feel the beginning effects. Increased awareness and sensitivity to colors, sounds, light, etc. At about the one hour mark our roll really started. She started to yell. Yelling for the sun, the wind, the moon, the water, and for everyone. We both were so happy to be together. We went to sit in the grass by the water. Here we talked and talked of our lives, and of the masks that we wear. She realized things about her entire life that she had never been able to verbalize until now. She told me of her life, and why she hides behind a mask, and she realized that she needed to stop wearing the mask and start living life. We watched all of the people walking by and noticed that many were wearing masks. Not literal masks ofcourse, but the everyday masks that we use to disguise what is really inside of us. I felt like everything inside of her brain was being unearthed. All of the 'baggage' that laid in her head had finally started to come out. MDMA is a tool. MDMA is a beautiful tool. We looked so deeply into each other's eyes, staring directly into each other's souls; pouring out all the things that needed to come out.
MDMA is a beautiful tool. We looked so deeply into each other's eyes, staring directly into each other's souls; pouring out all the things that needed to come out.
I told her of my past relationship; things that she needed to know, important bits of information that helped her to understand me on a completely different level.

Another thing we talked about was people like 50 cent. We heard someone driving down the road listening to it really loud. It is so angering that there are people like 50 cent in the world. He had the charisma and the power to tell the entire WORLD anything, and he chooses to send out a misogynistic message to everyone. People like that are abusing their power. If one is on a pedastal, they should not be advertising such bullshit.

The comedown was not bad at all. The thing I realized about an MDMA comedown is that it is possible, yet not necessary. Scientifically speaking it is true that there is less serotonin in the brain after the experience, yet our minds are powerful enough to not let that disturb us too much. If one simply realizes the magnitude and depth of their experience and what they gained, they can pass over their comedown with flying colors. Marijuana helps too...

Luckily the pill was very clean, not speedy at all. Of course there was some jaw clenching and cottonmouth, but we had plenty of water, gum, and lollipops to share.

I feel that this chemical has the ability to save the human race!

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 43406
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 10, 2021Views: 495
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MDMA (3) : General (1), Glowing Experiences (4), Relationships (44), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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