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Wasted My Day Off
Psychoactive Amanita spp. (25X Extract)
Citation:   volumesofnothing. "Wasted My Day Off: An Experience with Psychoactive Amanita spp. (25X Extract) (exp48393)". Mar 13, 2018.

.5 g oral Amanitas (extract)
  .5 g oral Amanitas (extract)
  1 cap oral Amanitas (dried)
Bought a 25x preparation from an online vendor.Opened the baggie and it had a tar like appearance and a very 'shroomie' odor. Started with half waited a couple hours lying down and had very very mild visuals.I dont even know if these were associated with the substance or just a case of what I wanted to see. Anyway,I took the rest of it and then ate a dried cap that I had.In any case this was my first x-periment with the little shroom and I partly attribute my dud of an experience to my body weight. Mabye I'll try two grams of this stuff next time. Could get expensive.I may just wait 'till the season and go foraging on my own.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 48393
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 13, 2018Views: 1,128
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