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Weaving the Tapestry of the Mind
Citation:   KaneZen. "Weaving the Tapestry of the Mind: An Experience with DOC (exp48646)". Dec 12, 2005.

9.0 mg oral DOC (powder / crystals)
Well this is my first experience on DOC and I decided to go for the big bang right off the bat. A little about myself first: 6'1 195lb 20 yr old male with a wide range of experience on psychedelics and a pre existing tolerance for nearly anything. Here it goes.

I had the day off work today and a mess of new compounds to try. So I decided DOC was the one up for the day. I measured out 9mg and ingested orally. Surprisingly mild taste to it compared to many other compounds. Please note this is a large amount to take especially for a first experience.

At the hour mark I noticed the first twinges of come on. It began to manifest slowly over the next half hour and then rocketed up to an immediate +3 within another half hour. Headspace was absolutely stunning and visuals even more so. I kept going up and up until the 4 hour mark and the whole experience lasted 18 hours (from noon to 6am this morning). I will simply describe my thoughts visuals and insights from here on out.

At first visuals started gradual with heavy color amplification. Over time they evolved into something amazing. Normally I can pick out distinct shapes and patterns moving and shifting and morphing on many other compounds. These visuals were far more advanced. Instead of dozens of distinct shapes I could pick out thousands maybe even millions of distinct patterns and shapes moving writhing twisting and morphing in all directions on literally everything. Each shape constantly exploding with color and fractal imagery. Everything from stainless steel to carpet to the air around me was pulsating and reshaping as if every minute detail was alive and moving of its own free will. Every molecule in my body and the world around it was infused with its own sentience and purpose.

Then I close my eyes and something more amazing comes out of my head. Instead of the normal perception of seeing trace images on the back of my retinas it is like I am seeing out the top of my head. The space inside my head is a twisted constantly morphing inner space. Like a liquid dimension filled with infinitesimal amounts of shapes and patterns constantly merging into one another. I equivocate it as every piece of psychedlic imagery I could ever possibly imagine twisting through my head in a matter of seconds and rekindling anew as soon as it has passed through. To merely take it all in is a staggering achievement that takes all of my concentration. Even then my brain could not hope to keep up with the blistering pace of transformation swirling through my head. Every time it pulsates through it focuses on a central object. a giant void in the very center of my head that pulses with amazing energy and upon concentration turns into a giant eye with two eye lids one unfolding after the other All the while gazing straight at me. It is like I am a visitor into a new realm forged inside my own mind. It is all much more like a gateway to another dimension. I can see through the door but I cannot open it. I have no need to however because whatever is beyond the door is pouring into my mind.

Later in the trip the open eye visuals begin to fade (around the 12 hour mark!) into highly tuned color amplification. It is like the world around me is pixelated. Like everything I am seeing is being viewed through a high definition TV.

My thought processes through this whole episode have been amazing and at the same time very depressing (not a bad trip just the stress of the world bearing down on me from beforehand). I have realized many things about myself and the world around me which came through deep introspection and surface worries combined. I was surprisingly clear headed through the whole experience though. Able to operate completely normal in all aspects (my gf did not even know I was tripping until the 4 hour mark). Just imagine my mind removing all of its filters on my perception and everything being seen in its absolute purest and most unrefined form. Needless to say some very deep thoughts occured on many subjects. The most peculiar being the thought of what it would be like if you were a soul and your body tried to run away from you. This led to a later conjecture why so many people cannot deal with psychedelics. Maybe they are not controlling their body anymore. the drug is in control and they are merely in for the ride. Without that control many people do not know how to handle themselves.

Then at 1am I went on to the final leg of the journey one purely inside my head. OEVs had faded to color amplification/pixelation by now. Upon closing my eyes all I could see was a giant gateway swirling and twisting like a giant vortex. I gazed at it for quite some time until finally I could see inside of it. What happened was both frightening and awe inspiring. A giant eye again came out of the vortex. This time big enough to fill my entire headspace. It opened its double eyelids and from it sprang thousands upon thousands of eyes of countless different colors and shapes. It took me a while to accept it but I finally dove in for more. Upon watching more the eyes began to grow partial faces (alien faces) and they formed a fractal collage of limitless twisting shapes and designs all gazing solely at me. I could feel their awareness of me. Speaking with a unified consciousness they began to communicate mentally with me. Wondering how I had come to be in this space. They knew what I was and I knew what they were.

At first we were both surprised by each other but then we began some minor communication and I began to understand their intentions. Thousands upon thousands of eyes all gazing on me constantly analyzing my every thought and response. I began to understand that this was not a new thing for them that they had seen me before and many others as well.

After this experience (which lasted for nearly an hour) I began to force myself to sleep. although I was still in my inner space a lot of it I could not tell if I had slept or not when I woke up this morning. I remember a point where I could actually see inside my own head in a physical sense. Like my eyeballs had become independant of me and could see in and around my brain. I watched this for a good 15 minutes. Amazing stuff.

All in all this one of the single most incredible and awe inspiring experiences I have ever had in my life if not the most intense. At this level I begin to see how truly deep the rabbit hole goes. Even after this I still believe that I am merely scratching the surface of a nearly limitless dimension beyond our own.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 48646
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 12, 2005Views: 19,365
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DOC (357) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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