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Almost Missed the Train
Citation:   ravensong. "Almost Missed the Train: An Experience with Cocaine (exp50486)". Oct 7, 2017.

3 lines insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
  3 glasses oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
  5 lines insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
  4 lines insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
My boyfriend used to be an avid cocaine user and dealer way before I met him. I found out that he had been using cocaine recreationally, and we got in a major fight over it (I was not a user at this time), so we made a deal that if he uses, he would not lie or try to hide it from me.

A few weeks passed, and he was feeling the need to again dance with the white lady. I now know that why he likes it, we have an amazing connection together when we are high, and we have sex like crazed people. I decided to give it a the old saying goes 'we fear what we do not understand' so I thought I would try. We discussed my doing my first line, and he said that he would feel guilty, like taking my virginity...but after some persuasion on my part, I did it.

First of all, it tasted like aspirin, but didn't burn or anything. The drip followed, along with numbness of my teeth and roof of my mouth. Again, not too bad. My nose was stuffy and I felt the need to sniff boyfriend told me that this would pass, and to I tried to.

We had a shower, which was more pleasurable than normal, and we did about 3 more lines...then we decided to go to a party to meet a few of his friends.

We drank about three beers each at this point, but I felt no affects from the alcohol came to be a way to cure the insane dry mouth. At the party, cocaine was flowing like the music...I think I ended up doing another five lines or so. Time passed quickly, and we stayed at the party for about 6 hours, but it felt like one hour.

I found myself talking about extremely intimate things to people that I didn't even know.
I found myself talking about extremely intimate things to people that I didn't even know.
My hands and feet were really cold, and I was so hyper, even though I was just sitting around.

We returned home, to start having we normally do. Since we had gotten some more coke, we lined up some more rails to do...throughout the early morning hours (between 3:30am and 6:30 am) we did about four more lines each. I was so high at this point that it was hard for me to reach orgasm...which I hated. My boyfriend had problems keeping an next time I'll plan to have sex earlier in the night.

The morning after was a wreck...I couldn't sleep until 10:30am, and I only could sleep an hour or so. My sinuses killed, my nose was raw and I had mucus coming out of my nose, throat and I felt like puking all day. That's the bad part of cocaine. Other than that, I had a great night. My boyfriend insists that it was his last night with 'the shit' but I think there will be another night or two to come. I almost missed the train, but another will be along shortly.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 50486
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 7, 2017Views: 1,330
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Cocaine (13) : First Times (2), Various (28)

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