Lost in My Own House
Citation:   Lancha. "Lost in My Own House: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp50963)". Erowid.org. Jun 5, 2018. erowid.org/exp/50963

T+ 0:00
3.5 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
  T+ 0:30 1 bowl smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 0:00 1 cig. smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
  T+ 0:00   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Before I begin my story of a wonderful trip, I will provide some important background info to aid in understanding the extent of the experience. Around the time this experience occured life was good. Soon after the my first semester at collage began I received a phonecall of such greatness that to this day it remains umparralled . I was blessed with the best possible source for beautiful Cali gold caps. The prices were almost too good to be true, and over a period of a few weeks my partners and I became well known for our wares. We were left with a copious amount of fungus for our own consumpotion. So we began to trip almost every weekend.

The experience began about a month later when my parents left town for the weekend leaving me to tend over their house. It was sunday, my preffered day of tripping, and I had already arranged the journey with two girls I knew from highschool. One of them was a very close friend of mine, although it would be wrong to call her my girlfriend. Upon their arrival, We all consumed the fungus. Both of them were virgins to the glory of tripping, and because of this one of the girls brought her straight edge boyfriend to serve as a sitter. She only consumed 1.7g, and the rest of us had 3.5g.

I had an established method of tripping that we followed. We washed the mushrooms down with a large glass of orange juice, and about a half hour later we smoked a bowl of cannabis. We all relaxed and while listening to Tool and waited for the trip to begin.

It became very apparent that this was going to be intense. Colors became VERY vivid and my eyes were almost magnetically attracted to colored objects. I felt extreme euphoria and connection with the two girls. We decided to step out to the back porch to smoke a cigarette. And it was here where things got real interesting.

I began staring at the woods outside of the porch. Soon all of the leaves of the trees became a continuous pattern that extened across my entire span of vision. Then, to my utter amazement, the pattern moved closer and closer until I seemed like the woods were right next to the screen of the porch. It was like I was enclosed by an encroaching jungle. My concentration was broken when our petsitter showed up to to walk the dog. This was unneccessary since I was already watching the house and the pets. I felt slight paranoia and fear as she seemed to completely ignore our existence, and to top it off she was clearly a Butch-esque lesbian who looked more like a man than you could imagine.

We ventured back inside to calm down. At this point, the music of Tool was causing my mood to change with each song. I sat with the single girl and she began to pulse and move with the music. I felt feelings of great affection towards her and I was sure that we were on the exact higher level of perception. My visuals became more intense; the window shades seemed to drip all the way to the floor, the wallpaper in the bathroom looked like thousands of eyes staring at me, and my face became distorted in the mirror as if I were a cartoon character.

I reached the apex of the trip when I convinced myself that I was lost in my own house. I was sure that my parents house looked nothing like it was at the time. We moved from room to room, including closets and bathrooms, to make sure that we were still in the same location. After a few hours, this uncertaintly disappeared, and we all felt a slight stomach discomfort. A few hits of Cannabis cured us, and we relaxed on the couch until the other girl and her boyfriend left. This left the two of us alone and we cuddled together on the couch feeling overwhelmed by what we had just experienced.

This has been the best trip I've had so far, and the connections that I felt with the people I experienced this with remained for a long time afterwards.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 50963
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 5, 2018Views: 798
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