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Ribbon of Life and a Ticking Clock
Citation:   Josh-e. "Ribbon of Life and a Ticking Clock: An Experience with DXM (exp5652)". Jan 18, 2002.

1400 mg oral DXM (liquid)
Friday night I had discussed the use of tussin recreationally with my roommate Rousey and his friend Jermey. They both seemed up for the experience, especially Jermey, who decided to start off with 8oz. The plan was to trip Saturday night here at home during Havard's 21st b-day party.

Saturday I had to be at work at 8am. I had only been on the job for about a week and still had a lot to learn. I work for a very large pizza franchise and my boss and I had to mix a large quantity of dough for the day. I only had about 4 hours of sleep the night before and was very tired.

I left work around 4:30pm and went straight home where some people were already showing up for the party. Havard and his older brother Steve were there along with Rousey, Matt and a few others. Kevin, my other roommate, had to work that night so he wasn't going to be showing up for awhile.

Around 5 I left and went to a few places to buy some Robotussin Maximum Strength Cough... four bottles to be exact. I also picked up a big bottle of water, some gum, a bag of charcoal for the bar-b-q and two packs of cigarettes. I'm a very heavy chain-smoker and figured I'd run out if I didn't buy at least two packs. The big shocker was that when I went into Wal-Mart to buy the fourth bottle of tussin I found another pack of cigs in my coat that I hadn't worn in about 3 weeks.

When I got back to the house with my purchases Rousey and Jermey wondered why I hadn't told them I was going to get tussin. They had already been drinking and I informed them that DXM and alcohol probably wasn't a very good mix. They agreed and decided to try it some other time.

I went into my room and got online to work on my journal. When I was finished I cleaned my room. I have to have my room clean when I'm going to fry, otherwise I wig out during the trip and feel like I'm going to kill myself on some stray dirty sock on the floor. After one menacing dirty clothes experience on tussin you really don't want to have a repeat threat the next time.

I suppose I should indulge in my past tussin experiences a little. I first tried tussin after a stray click landed me deep in the middle of DXM reports on the net. I read everything there was to read about tussin... including 60% of the trip reports for DXM. I'd never fried before and was wanting to and tussin seemed like a good way to start. I'd had some good highs from weed, and done everything imaginable on/with alcohol. But I wanted to fry. The trip reports really helped my decision. Especially the descriptions of all of the negative side effects. I wanted to know what I was getting into.

My first time was with Robo Honey Cough. Kevin and I split an 8oz bottle just to try it out. Kevin had trouble choking it down, but I ingested it like stewed fruit. It was a life changing experience no doubt. I didn't really fry that first time, but my mind opened up to the idea that a small quantity of a substance can really fuck you up for 6 hours. I felt like I was drunk the whole time. It was great.

I started drinking RoboMax Cough after that, and was surprised to find the taste pleasant. I could slam a whole 4oz bottle in a matter of seconds. I was having a blast with the stuff. Only after I became used to randomly itching and not really understanding past/present/future I tried 8oz with my friend Cody. Cody has done a lot of different drugs over the years, but he had never tried a dissociative.

He had 4oz and fried hardcore. My experience that night was incredibly beautiful. Music was amazing. Nothing mattered. Time was only a memory. At one point I was a beautiful flower in an incredibly large pasture. Cody and I melted into the couch. I gasped and quit breathing, my heart stopped. I was alone in my mind. I loved it. I had been told about needing a strong mind to be able to handle yourself under intense chemical situations. I am very calm inside. I love everything. I have a 165 IQ.
I figured it would be a breeze. I was wrong. I was rough. I had to hold onto myself from the inside. I didn't know what was going on, who I was, or if I would ever be normal again. I spun around inside myself all night long. BUT I HAD A FUCKING BLAST!!! I am fairly strong minded. I was able to keep from wigging out. I had a hold on myself... until about 5 o'clock in the morning. I finally went to sleep. I slept about 30 minutes. I had a beautiful blue dream. Blue is the color of peace inside me. As long as everything was blue I was alright.

I was in what seemed like a sea of bodies for people Robotripping. We were all at peace. The people around me were all various shades of blue. But then one girl in the middle turned the most awful shade of red I knew existed. She was wigging out bad. It was so real to me. Cody tried to call a number on the RoboMax bottle to get help for the girl. I awoke and sat straight up in bed. panicking. Cody was laying there next to me. He was still sleeping. All the lights in my room were on, but it was so dark.

I needed water bad, but our water had been turned off two days before. I crawled into the living room and tried to come down. I wanted to sleep again. I wanted to be sober. It was light outside and I was still frying. I had to be at work in 4 hours. I was gonna die. I dragged myself to the bathroom and puked. It felt like I puked for an hour. I wanted to shoot myself. But then my mind was at peace again. I was calm. I stayed up until I had to go to work. I didn't come down until noon. It had lasted 11 hours. It was the most beautiful day of my life. I loved everything. I loved tussin.

After that I knew what frying meant. As Tyler Durdin put it in Fight Club... I just had a near-life experience. I tripped on 4oz a few more times. I tried 8oz once again and it wasn't all that spectacular, I just couldn't walk. When I drank 12oz I expected to disappear for a few hours... but it didn't happen. I think I was wanting it too much. So Saturday night I decided to drink 16oz (1416mg of DXM) and not expect anything to happed.

When my room was clean and I had put my mind at ease I drank the first of the 4 bottles. My stomach is starting to protest my use of tussin so I had to drink slowly. Two gulps and it was gone. I went back into the living room and showed Rousey the second bottle. He thought I was stupid to be drinking all four bottles that night, but encouraged me to do what I had to do and keep downing them. I slammed the second bottle and almost threw up.

At that instance I decided to only drink 3 bottles and save the 16oz trip for another day. I waited about 30 minutes before drinking any more. That's when I started to feel the effects. The third bottle took me about 5 minutes to finish. I was beginning to trip. I completely forgot about not wanting to drink the fourth bottle. I grabbed it and remember turning it up to slam it, but don't remember finishing the bottle.

I instantly disappeared. It was about 8:30pm when I came to. I didn't know where I was or what I was doing. I couldn't put Robotussin and what I felt together in my mind. I began thinking about Cody coming over later. I was wanting him here again (I'm bi by the way). I was talking to him in my mind. Then on the couch, right beside me, Steve looked at me and said he was straight... I didn't know what the hell was going on or why he was telling me that. He was pretty fucked up to on some other drugs.

I thought he was imagining things or talking without realizing it. But he said I was coming on to him. I must've been talking without my realizing. I was talking to Cody but the only person around was Steve. He thought I was making a pass at him. I somehow explained that I wasn't talking to him and then time completely stopped. He and I both disappeared into our own little worlds. The hands on the clock didn't move for what seemed like 4 hours or more. The room kept changing size. Everything was distorted. I couldn't move. I tried moving my hand, but it was frozen in front of my face. I felt weightless. I felt like I was dead.

Sometime later (probably just a few seconds later) I could hear the clock ticking like my ear was right up next to it... it was 15 feet away from me on another wall and there was loud music everywhere. I was in a trance, completely enveloped by the experience. I forgot about everything and everybody around me. I could hear music coming from Kevin's room and everytime a song stopped I felt like I died, and everytime the euphoria began again I was reborn. Flowers don't get that beautiful. I was in heaven.

After an hour finally passed Kevin came in the living room to talk to me. I couldn't understand a word he was saying. I was trying to explain what happened between me and Steve, but the words wouldn't come out. I just heard my own voice mumbling something incoherent. I gave up trying to talk and just went back to enjoying what was going on around me. My house wasn't even my house anymore. The clock was in my face and the house only consisted of the living room and Kevin's room. My room was a house standing far off in the distance. I finally worked up the energy to make my way there. Imagine Dustin Hoffman in Rainman. My arms were froze up in a fetal position and my legs were wooden beams below me.

I felt like a robot. My body didn't want to move like I wanted it to. I began to wonder if I'd gotten myself in too deep. But I convinced myself that no matter how rough it gets I've done this before. I was struggling with my own mind. It took all I had not to freak out. I kept lapsing in and out of this world. Things kept disappearing. And that's not to mention the tracers I was having. My entire field of vision kept following itself and turning inside out and upside down. I walked forever and finally ended up in my room. Kevin was in there listening to the music on my computer. I couldn't even hear it. I collapsed on the couch. And that's where I began experiencing events at alternate times.

Three events are stuck in my memory from there on out. And bits and pieces of them happened at intermittent times. Part of this one, part of that one, then back to the first. It was really screwing with me. I was time traveling the space of an hour in 5 minute chunks.

Talking to everyone the next day I was able to figure out what happened first, second and third. First an old friend from highschool came by, Bryan. I hadn't talked to him in quite sometime. While he talked I tried to pay attention, but it seemed like everytime he said something I would think about it for only a moment and then forget who was even in my room. I couldn't see his face at all. I had two lights on in my room, a green one hung from the ceiling and a red one in a lamp. With both of them on it is still dark in my room. When Bryan was there, though, it looked like the sun was inside my room. It was so bright.

Then Cody finally showed up right after Bryan left. He stayed in my room for quite some time. We layed in bed together holding hands. He helped me light a cigarette, but I didn't even recognize my own hand in front of my face. I couldn't feel my body at all. I slipped into another trance. I was a two-dimensional ribbon of life stretching from my room to my job. I began to wig a little. I was worried about the next day. I knew I didn't have to work, but I was still worried about work. I wasn't comfortable with my job yet.

Set and setting are definitely important when frying. I also began to get anxious about the people in my house. I wished I had waited to trip this hard when I was more comfortable with my immediate surroundings. I blanked out completely.

When I came two I was only aware of three things. Everything existed in my mind. I was a big metal box. And the bottles of tussin were little robots running around inside my body fucking me up. I had no grasp on reality. I had no grasp on anything. I was just along for my own ride. I was wigging hard. Cody was beside me again. His face was a total shock to me. I didn't know what a human was. All I could focus on were his eyes. And they definitely did not cohere with my little world... I was very FUCKED up!

The third even was that I stood up and Cody and Bryan were both beside me (which was impossible since one left before the other showed up). People were only two feet high and the ceiling was only three. Everything was shrunk. I walked into the living room and appearently made everyone in there laugh. I couldn't understand a single word they were saying. I didn't recognize anyone as even being real. I just couldn't understand. So I went back into my room and laid back down in bed and looked around. Everything was very dark again. No color at all.

I could see the glow from the lights, but they weren't lighting anything up. The walls had brush strokes like they were painted in really thing oil paints. And EVERYTHING was gray. I wanted to sober up and get back up to join the party. I was feeling sick because I couldn't. Cody was beside me again. I didn't know what he was. Nothing fit the little world I was in. The last time I looked at the clock it was only 11:00pm. It felt like days had gone by.

I woke up on my couch around 5:30am. I could comprehend time again. But I was still tripping hard. I didn't know how I got on my couch or what I had done to make me this fucked up. I knew I had drank some Robotussin, but I couldn't figure out how it could make me feel like this. There was no correlation. I fried for the next 5 hours. I can't even remember what I saw.

When I finally got up I saw a note from Bryan with his pager number and message that said 'Man you are FUCKED UP!! haha.' It was 10:30am and I went into the living room to see who was still there. Almost everyone was, and they were just waking up. I sat around trying to convey what happened the night before, but it was still like a dream to me. I began drinking around 2pm and finally came down off of the tussin around 4:30. It lasted 22 hours.

It's been a week since it happened and I'm still somewhat shook up from it, but overall I enjoyed it. I would just suggest being in a VERY comfortable place both physically and mentally when frying that hard. It's scarry, but it's a wonderful place to be if you can stay relaxed. Another note is that this isn't the drug to use at high doses if you want to be involved in the party going on around you. And unless you know, and I mean KNOW, how well you can handle being alone in your own mind you might want to seriously consider a trip sitter. They can save you from yourself faster than anything else... even if they don't exist at the time.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 5652
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 18, 2002Views: 9,035
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DXM (22) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Difficult Experiences (5), General (1)

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