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Bowling Pins, Pumpkins, Purple Chameleons
by J$
Citation:   J$. "Bowling Pins, Pumpkins, Purple Chameleons: An Experience with MDMA (exp57018)". Nov 1, 2020.

.5 tablets oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  .5 tablets oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  .5 tablets oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
Well me and my three other friends are really big into experimenting with any sort of drug we can get our hands on. We consider ourselves smart drug users, as we do hours of research and preperation for the upcoming event. Well my friend J had been having a terrible week and I told him that the weekend would be something to look forward to, as our friend H was going to get us some XTC.

When Friday rolled around we had been doing a lot of research and decided that we needed to drop it around 6:30 in order to make sure that we had given it max 5 hours, seeing is we are still in high school and have to come back to parents. Well H took and especially long time retrieving it (they were blue with the playboy bunnies on them) and we ended up taking a half dose at around 7:50 to compinsate for lost time, as well as we were moderatlly nervous about it. At around 8:20 me, J, and K were sitting in my car listening to some Phish and waiting for the party to begin. At this point I would say the roll had begun. Lights would drag across when I would turn my head, and the music sounded wonderful.

At about 8:40 we went to the party, and walked in. I had never been so happy to see people in my life. After about five minutes we decided to meet up and exchange feelings, and other experiences. This is when we all took the other half seeing that we could interact with other people normally. H called me and asked me how things were going, I was very happy to talk with him and told him that he should come over. He told me that he had just taken his dose and was heading over.

About one hour later the party was raging on, and I was having the experience of a liftime, nothing could get me down. I also made sure to keep myself hydrated and to avoid alcoholic bevarages, as well to not smoke any ganja. H insisted on smoking, but me, J, and K all like to experience it with out any other influences.

Another half an hour into it H asks me if I would split a pill with him and seeing as I was in heaven, I agreed. This was the best decision I had made in a long time. The roll got better and better. I was dancing and talking to people and just in general having a ball. Mostly just auditory hallucinations at this point. At one time I walked into a dark room, and transfered from hardwood floor to carpeting. It was one of the most interesting feelings I had felt. I bounced around in there for awhile then went out and partyed some more.

H had got all of his doses at once, because he didn't break the pill as instructed so he was rolling hard. I had to make sure he was alright, I gave him water and talked him down. He said it was the best feeling in the world, and was shaking. He was having closed eyed visuals, which I believe was from the ganja.

At around 1:00 am the party was dead and J and K had left. Me, H and our friend L (the girl's house we were at) decided to smoke some ganja. I was still rolling at this point, and was anxious to get these closed eyed visuals. After we smoked two pipes I went inside and sat down in a chair preparing myself.

We turned on some Sublime and I closed my eyes. I saw bright electricty and bowling pins spinning around. I also saw twirling pumpkins. I was confused as to way my brain was showing me these things, but still throughly enjoyed it. H described a bright purple chameleon with yellow flames walking in very bright green grass. I laughed at this and thought about how ridiculous these visuals where. Around 3:00 I fell asleep and ended what was the best evening of my life.

I had never felt so close to people. I was talking to everyone and was happy to see them. I was filled with positive vibes and they transmitted through out the party. It was a very wonderful experience and I can not wait to roll again.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 57018
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 1, 2020Views: 673
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MDMA (3) : First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Music Discussion (22), Large Party (54)

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