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Citation:   Carly. "High..Woah: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp57325)". Oct 30, 2020.

  oral Mushrooms (dried)
I have done alot of drugs, but I would have to say mushrooms are one of my very favorite. But that opinion was different after my first time ever doing it.

It was halloween night and my plans were undecided. I went trick or Treating for a bit but then me and my friend decided we were too old for that. So I called up my friend Shawn cause I heard he was at a party, and of course I wanted to impare myself somehow, so I thought I might make an apperance. Little did I know what was in store.

My friend Danielle was there already, and she looked like she was just flying high. I had never done or seen mushrooms before this night so I thought it was the coolest looking drug. Thank god Danielle had some left... So I gave her 5 bucks and she just started to hand me hand fulls.

I ate my first one and I was dissapointed because I thought it was not going to work. So Danielle graciously gave me another 2 handfuls (at this time I had eaten approxmatly 3 grams of much within 20 mins) *for my first time....

This halloween was a school night so of course I ate them at like 8 and i didnt even peak completely till 10.
The effects began with me feelings really uncomfortable, and I had a really upset feeling because I seemed convinced I was not going to be high, even though I was. Now the house we were partying in was a normal partying house...where lots of drugs were done. It was not my normal stoner crowd. I was with hard core druggies. All I could think of was how I thought they just wanted me to leave. As time moved on (slowly) I began to get really giggly. Everything was funny. And it felt so good to laugh to. I was laughing so hard that I had become the center of the party somehow. Everything was going great, but then I realised that it was 12:30 on a school night and my mom had no clue where I was. So I decided to call her. Of course, high me, blew my own cover right away. I burst out half crying and half laughing and said that I felt trapped. A black cat walked in front of me and I was just so terrified. So my mom came and picked me up.

While I was driving home I could see the road just rolling out before my eyes. It looked as if we were supposed to be driving over alot of bumps. I was creeping myself out.

When I got home...things went bad. I did NOT want to be high anymore. Everytime I looked in the mirror my face was just morphing and making me scared that I had a flesh eating disease. My mom went on the internet to see how you can come down from being high and so she told me to try to take a shower. I remember getting in the shower, but actually running away from it because the rain drops were sooo big. I couldn't shower cause I was afraid of drowning in the rain drop.
I then decided I had to use the facilities. Now, in my bathroom there is a shelf in front of the toilet, cause my family likes to read while they are on the can. When I got in I sat down and started looking at the papers. The letters and numbers started to jump over each other. I was very fascinated. Then the towl that was hanging on a hook in beside me started to talk to me, and asked me all sorts of weird questions. I can't remember how that ended up.

Later in the night I was trying to just fall asleep, but apparently thats impossible on mush, so I woke my mom up and I began to tell her how much I loved her and how I was glad she was my mom and all that happy stuff. (by the way my mom was not mad about me doing mush). It was about 3 o'clock in the morning and I really wanted to talk to my Aunt. At this time I was just keeping my eyes closed the whole time cause I was too scared to see anything move. Cause it did for a long time. I eventually ended up sleeping with my eyes open.

But, I am happy to report, I gave it another shot and had the best time ever.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 57325
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 30, 2020Views: 695
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Mushrooms (39) : First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Bad Trips (6), Various (28)

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