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Endless Cycles
Zolpidem (Ambien)
Citation:   Disprosopus. "Endless Cycles: An Experience with Zolpidem (Ambien) (exp60900)". Erowid.org. Sep 27, 2017. erowid.org/exp/60900

25 mg oral Pharms - Zolpidem (pill / tablet)
On a previous occasion I had taken 30mg of ambien and pretty much tripped my balls off. That had been my first experience with hallucinations and I was eager to try it again considering how crazy the waking dreams were the previous time. While at a cousin's house and looking for something for my allergies, I came across a bottle of the little red 5mg pills and as it was an expired prescription I figured they wouldn't be missed. I took the last five and put them in my wallet and couldn't stop thinking about them from then on. When I returned home a few days later I took them with a glass of water on an empty stomach and waited for the effects. This was around 8:30 at night, and it hit me sometime around 9:00.

8:30 - 5 x 5mg ambien ingested on an empty stomach with water.

8:45-9:00 - About now is when I feel the first wave. Slightly warmer, more relaxed, comfortable. This feeling comes gradually, not all at once.

9:15 - Feeling very intoxicated. Walking isn't a challenge but stumbling occurs often. I actually end up bashing my elbow in a door frame hard enough to bruise but it doesn't hurt at the time at all.

9:30 - Full effects have come on. The experience is very different from my first. I'm experiencing no hallucinations, though my mind's thought patterns have become erratic to say the least. While talking to a friend online, the image of a purple cow comes to mind. The hallucinations of my previous experience were all purple as well, which seems to be constant.

9:45 - While talking to a friend I begin to notice that I can crawl into my computer screen. I lean to the side and find myself crawling under an instant message window, then snap out of it to find I've nearly fallen out of my chair. This happened my previous trip, and it is something controllable and fun to do.

10:00 - I begin wandering aimlessly around my house for no reason, feeling quite euphoric. I get a drink of sprite and it tastes incredible, as do snack foods, much like when one is under the influence of cannabis.

After this, cycles seem to arise and repeat endlessly. I will light incense, eat, watch tv, check the computer, wander around for no reason, then repeat the cycle. Once I become aware of this cycle, I tend to snap out of it and pick a new one, usually a variation in order from the previous one. I was somewhat dissappointed that I did not experience hallucinations this time around, though the strange thought patterns provided enough entertainment that I didn't find the experience to be a waste of time. Watching tv became a new experience alltogether, and I was pleasantly surprised by the alteration to my sense of taste. Also worth noting is that I went to bed at around 1:30am still quite intoxicated, and had some of the most amusing and often lucid dreams of my life.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 60900
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 27, 2017Views: 1,386
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Pharms - Zolpidem (143) : General (1), Alone (16)

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