Being Alive for the First time...
Citation:   RahZeL. "Being Alive for the First time...: An Experience with MDMA (exp62070)". Mar 28, 2018.

1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
Male, 17 Good shape, exercise regularly, hate cigarettes, love mary jane, and pick up a half 1/8th every week or so. Been smoking weed for about 2 years now. Have tried HBWD seeds with no luck. Drink very rarely, never gotten too krunk (this will change come 21)

Also, this was my FIRST time taking X, I know that it is commonly impure, but round my city people are for the most part pretty trustworthy. So it was a Friday, and word was that there was some “internet explorer’s” around, never heard of them, but w/e. Anyway I knew 2 people that had a substantial quantity, and I didn’t have anything to do that night so right after school, an old friend (one of those “people”) drove by and picked me up while strolling home. Cool! I thought, I didn’t even talk to him that day, and so I knew that this was some kind of a sign from above (or pure luck? Who knows/cares). Someone wanted me to take X. So anyway he picked me up, and happened to have the shit on him, I bought 1 pill from him, and I knew enough from my friends the feeling it would give me, but had it exceeded my expectations by far. “You’ll just feel really, REALLY, good” is what he said. And with that, he took off, I put the pill in my little drug place. The pill was white, a little thicker than what I thought (double stacked) and had an imprint of the internet explorer icon on it. I never seen or heard of this kind, so I was a little skeptical. The back had a spacer and a little dot. So I called my good friend and asked him if he wanted to roll and go party, but he was going out of town for the week. Lame, I thought, he Is usually my ride everywhere and I usually party with him and a couple others but don’t know them nearly as well. Anyway, I called yet another and with no luck. Nothing was really happening so I decided ill just stay at home and roll. I thought this would be a good idea because I’m in a safe environment and I can kinda “feel out” the drug. So about 6pm rolls around and I decide to pop that shit. I was very excited and in a great mood.

Btw, I'm not sure what base this pill is, one of the people who had this kind said they *might* be caffeine base, but w/e, it made me roll!

THE EXPIERIENCE-----------------

(6pm) Baseline- I popped the pill, and I felt as if I just ventured into something and there was no going back. It was kinda cool to think that I was gonna roll!

T+30min - Still don’t really feel anything, trying to occupy myself with games, tv, food, because I'm getting very anxious.

T+40min - I go out on my deck and am still not really feeling anything other then calm and happy. As I sit and enjoy the spring air, wildlife and atmosphere. I just kinda sink into this very relaxed and earthy state. I remain on the deck for the next 15 or so.

T+45min - As stated, still on my deck, but something happens. My vision gets sharp as I look at the trees, I feel like the pleasant breeze just flowed throughout my entire body. This was extremely pleasant.

T+50min - Enjoying this feeling, and the nature, and I know that I'm coming up. Soon It feels as if my mood is a rocket ship, and it blasts off with such an amazing force. VROOOOOSH!!! I started to feel so incredible words cannot describe it. One must try X before he/she can get any idea of what it truly feels like.

T+60min - I decide I've been out here on the deck long enough, but I could’ve stayed there all night just feeling the nature and atmosphere. I start walking to my room and I notice my movement feels a little more….how do I say this….. Robot-ninja. I felt a little clanky, and a slight imbalance, but also very quick and smooth. I go in my room and check my pupils…. Oh yeah! I'm rollin baby! They were huge. I played some Oakenfold, Tiesto, JedI Mind tricks, TVOTR, and others.

T+120min - for the past hour or so, I feel like I'm living for the first time, air seems to flow through me, there is not a single bad feeling or mood anywhere, I feel enhanced, reborn, and honest to say, this was probably my happiest moment in my life. It seemed like my body was stretched, and I was a net, as music, thoughts, insight, and absolute ecstasy (thus the name) went straight through my entire body. So much energy, so much happiness, I said to my self “Oh my god…” I was so happy that I could experience such a drug in my lifetime. And I hold it as a very valuable memory.

T+200min - the buzz has slowly started to come down, but not in such an extreme way that all my friends say. For me I was just very calm, and happy. “content” would be a good word. And I enjoyed the rest of my evening.

T+260min - around 9-10ish, and it seems that it has worn off for the most part, I'm very happy and can’t stop thinking about my experience, but my mood seems to be enhanced. The comedown was VERY smooth , so smooth, I didn’t really even feel like I came down until the next morning. Speaking of which, the next morning I felt great! Not shitty, like my friend told me. I was happy to be alive, and had a knewfound insight to the world and its various beautiful chemicals that were put here to give us an escape to reality, and explore our mind. I think we all need that sometimes.

In conclusion, Words are a sorry excuse to describe what a good pill of X can do to one. I felt as if my sole purpose of living was to experience that exact moment of….well….ecstasy. I Haven’t done ecstasy since then, but I plan to have many more encounters with this amazing drug. I hope someone learns something from my experience.


Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 62070
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 28, 2018Views: 1,043
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