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Not for Some People...
Citation:   Achello. "Not for Some People...: An Experience with MDMA (exp65523)". Jun 27, 2018.

  repeated oral MDMA (powder / crystals)
BODY WEIGHT: 12.8 st
[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]
So I had been reading up on the effects of pure MDMA (as pure as one can get from the street stuff) and had decided that, having tried a number of different substances (including one ecstacy pill a few years back), it was time for me to let my curiosity get the better of me.

I had received just over a half gram of the stuff, which looked rather like demerara sugar. As previously mentioned, I had already read up on the effects - both positive and negative.

So the day I got the MDMA I phoned my girlfriend and told her about it and asked her if she wanted to try it, giving her a quick rundown of what I had read about it already. She agreed and we had planned to do it on the coming friday.

Friday came and with some excitement we prepared everything (alas I had not been able to get some 5-HT/P to help with the next day(s)) So after taking a very small dab, I hazard a guess that the dosage was around 40-60mg, we waited whilst watching a DVD in my room.

At T+1hr - I noted that although nothing had really happened, something felt different. We proceeded to dab a further 40-60mg (again a rough estimate) and waited.

T+2hrs - Again nothing had happened. So, feeling disappointed and slightly annoyed I wet my finger and picked up the remains of the stuff and stuck it in my mouth... this was a HUGE mistake. I estimate that there must have been between 200-300mg left (after my girlfriend had dabbed another 30mg) and I had not thought through what I had just done.

T+2:15 minutes - I felt a strong urge to use the toilet and proceeded to get up and go to the bathroom. As soon as I sat on the toilet (I prefer sitting) something felt different. My head was hot and I felt flushed, I started to feel dizzy and the bathroom light felt extremely strong and bright. I knew that something was about to kick off and I was definitely not ready for it.

T+2:20mins - I decided to get some cold running water and run my wrists and face under the tap. Then when I felt the effects REALLY start to kick in I stumbled into my room and told my girlfriend through a 'wobbly' mouth that I was feeling funny and needed to go outside.

T+2:35mins - After texting my girlfriend (who was feeling nothing) because it made me 'feel better' and stumbling round my garden, I thought the peaking had subsided, only for it to come round again in waves getting stronger and more debilitating.

T+2:45mins - I was really starting to panic as my face was twitching and I couldn't speak coherently at all. I phoned my girlfriend (going back in the house was something I didn't want to do, it wasn't a nice place, in my state of mind) and told her I wanted to go to the hospital. I kept falling over and my mouth was feeling like I had just stuck loads of cotton balls in there. After a quick debate with myself I decided to phone an ambulance, because the hospital could take better care of me. All I wanted to do was drink water - knowing how dangerous this was I kept swilling and then spitting it out.

T+3hr - My girlfriend had jumped in her car and was awaiting for the ambulance. I was walking around waiting and when it arrived I explained to the ambulance guys exactly what had happened.

After many hours at the hospital and an eventual wear off from the MDMA I was starting to feel better. I came to the conclusion that, for some people, MDMA is not a good drug to take. I hope that upon reading this people will take heed and really think about things before acting rash.

It has been 3 days since taking the drug and I am still clenching my jaw when I talk and still have bouts of dizziness and confusion. I will never take MDMA again and will avoid it at all costs. I got absolutely none of the euphoric effects and for all my troubles only received the horrible comedown that really is not something I want to go through again. My girlfriend was with me the whole time and I'm so grateful for that, if I had to do it on my own I would have been a lot worse off.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 65523
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 27, 2018Views: 803
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MDMA (3) : Guides / Sitters (39), Hangover / Days After (46), Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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