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Citation:   Dan H.. "Life-Altering: An Experience with LSD (exp66421)". Feb 8, 2017.

  repeated smoked Cannabis  
  2 hits   LSD (blotter / tab)
This weekend, something happened to me that completely changed the way I look at life in general. I'll just add as a side note: I used to do drugs, from when I was like, 13 up until last year. Then I grew up, and realized that my life was just fine without them. The one drug I hadn't done though (that I wanted to do, at least) was LSD. I reacquainted myself with an old friend who used to give me shrooms pretty cheap and he gave me some acid. Another one of my old friends said he'd do it with me, so I split it between my friend and I.

I was pretty nervous, I guess because it had been at least six or seven months since I'd done any kind of drug at all (unless you count alcohol), so my friend and I smoked a few joints beforehand, when we were back at his house. His parents were out, so we each took two hits of LSD there, and hung around for about an hour waiting for the effects to sink in. We got bored of this, and decided to walk to the beach (which was a 20 minute walk from his house).

As we walked, we waited for the effects of the acid to start up. I was disappointed at the time, thinking maybe two hits wasn't enough (I was absolutely clueless when it comes to LSD). I was about to ask my friend how much longer it would take when I realized how silent the world was. I stopped walking and listened. There was absolutely no sound at all. I started to freak out a little bit and made my friend stop walking so we could sit down for a minute.

My friend said something to me, but I remember his voice sounding extremely distant. I could see his lips moving but it was hard to comprehend that he was saying anything. Finally, he told me we were near the beach and we should start walking again. We continued to walk, but everything seemed weird. The ground beneath me didn't feel solid at all, like I could fall through the center of the earth any minute. We came to an alley which would lead us to the beach, and it looked like a cave. It was really dark, almost pitch black, but it couldn't have been later than 5 or 6 pm.

We finally arrived at the beach and the sand was even more strange than the alley. I constantly felt a sucking sensation near my feet. I looked down at the sand and it was really colorful and I could see all kinds of patterns in it, but I kept feeling like it was at the same level as my neck. I told my friend I was sinking so we hurried over to the jetty and sat down on the rocks. The water looked weird too, the waves looked like they were crashing down on top of me, but they were really distorted. I started to get scared again, and I wanted to sit down on the sand. But when I looked out at the stretch of beach, I saw a huge black hole form in between the jetty and the sand that I was scared to cross. My friend grabbed me and pulled me across anyway, and we sat down on the sand.

That's when things started to get really scary. I suddenly lost any memory as to where I was, or who I was, or who my friend was
I suddenly lost any memory as to where I was, or who I was, or who my friend was
. I looked around at the beach and it all seemed very strange to me. The jetty looked enormous, and the water looked as though it was going to swallow me up. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, we got up and started to walk back to my friend's house. As we were walking down the alley, I saw a mangled car sitting by a building I hadn't noticed before. The car seemed to come to life, and I became afraid of it. I continued to walk past it, and turned out of the alleyway, which had seemed extremely dark and morose.

It was then I realized my friend wasn't with me anymore and I thought the monster-car had eaten him. I felt lost, I had no idea where I was. I was so confused and scared, so I grabbed my phone and dialed the first number that came up on my contacts, which happened to be my girlfriend. She didn't answer and I just started to cry, I felt like I was dying. I fell over in the middle of the street and lay there. I knew I was about to die. I called my girlfriend again, and just kept dialing until my phone battery died. At first I thought she'd answered and I started shouting into the phone. When I didn't hear anything back, I realized the phone was turned off. I rolled over onto my back and stared up at the sky. The clouds were moving closer and closer to me, and suddenly a bright light shined through a break in the clouds. I'm dying, I thought. I'm dying and this is god bringing me to heaven I started calling out to my family and friends, telling them that I love them, and that I'm sorry. I felt my body lift up towards the light. I called out to god, praying and crying out that I don't want to die this way. please god, please let me see my girlfriend again.

Suddenly, I heard a very loud roar and the light above me dimmed. I realized I was standing and there was a car coming towards me. At first I thought it was a cop, but I recognized a friendly voice when he called out my name through the window. The door opened I saw my girlfriend and two of my guy friends, as well as my other friend who had been on acid with me. I was so happy to see him, to see people I recognized and loved. My friend helped me into the car and drove us back to his house, where he calmed us down and kept us in his basement until we came down from the trip.

This experience helped me realize a lot of things. For one, bad shit like this can happen to anyone, which is why I'm hating myself now for doing acid in the first place after giving up drugs. Just because you haven't had a bad trip yet doesn't mean you aren't going to. I've been on numerous shroom trips and none of them have been nearly as bad as this one. That feeling, that I was going to die was the worst, most painful and terrifying feeling I'd ever felt in my life. Once I came down, the first thing I did was tell my girlfriend that I love her. The second thing I did was call up my dad and step mom and tell them I love them too, as well as my brothers and sisters. I never want to go through an experience like that again.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 66421
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 8, 2017Views: 1,675
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LSD (2) : Bad Trips (6), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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