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New Appreciation for Art
Citation:   29king. "New Appreciation for Art: An Experience with LSD (exp68460)". May 7, 2019.

2 hits oral LSD (gel tab)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
General Info:

20 yr. old male
about 230 lbs.
I am on no medications

I guess I will give a little background on my drug use. I consider myself fairly experienced with mind-altering substances. I am a daily pot smoker for a little over a year now and I have done mushrooms about 7 times previous to this experience, so I felt I had a good understand of what was about to take place, even though this was my first time taking LSD.

Me and my 4 friends (who will be named c,b,t,and s for the sake of this article) were relaxing in B's dorm listening to music, a fairly secluded area of the dorm building and no one would be bothering us. We had plans to attend an art exhibit later that day.

B had acquired about 10 gel tabs of strong acid (so he was told, and later ended up being the case). S and I each took 2 hits, C took 1 and T took a little less than one (this was her first time with any psychedelic and she didn't want to overdo it) all at around 2 pm. B took 1 hit and he was also trying out a large dose of mescaline for the first time, but thats another story.
So we dropped around 2 pm, and hung out in the room for about the next 2 hours.
As I mentioned above this was my first experience with LSD , I decided to take 2 hits instead of 1 because I have read that 1 hit of acid isn’t nearly as potent as 1 hit of acid taken during the late 60’s and 70’s, I wanted to get the classic experience so to say. All in all I was extremely excited going into the trip, not 1 ounce of nerves.

The Experience:
I started feeling the effects about 1 hour after we dosed. I started to get a little visual distortion and I had a noticeable energy beginning to run throughout my body. At about the hour and a half mark I began to really feel the effects. The visuals were getting strong as the room began to breathe in a sense and B had a ton of band posters throughout the room that looked so vibrant and liquid. My mind was running all over the place. We were listening to Phish (can’t recall what song now) and the music seemed to dance all around me, like I was inside of it.

At about the 2 hour mark exactly T began to feel her effects fully and for some reason it overwhelmed her and she I guess blacked out, fortunately for no more than 4-5 seconds. Unfortunately for me I was just beginning to peak as she went limp (she was sitting on B at the time so he was able to cradle her and comforted her when she came to). Even though it was only for a few seconds, and before I knew it she was completely fine and really enjoying her trip, my mind began to run with the idea of “what would we do if she really isn’t fine, we are all tripping what do we do”,etc. Fortunately everyone besides myself and C had taken LSD many times before and they were able to calm me down get me to get back into the music which seemed to ease my mind. Even though I calmed down I will never forget “the fear”, the only way I can describe how I felt it was as it I was on top of a building on the ledge, and someone came behind me and tried to push me over the edge, that sense of adrenaline and intense fear was what I was feeling for probably about 45 minutes. It took every bit of me keep my sanity together over the whole issue.

S decided it was time to head outdoors for a nice stroll before we went to our planned location (a local art museum was having an amazing exhibit of Modern Abstract art, Dali, Van Gogh, Etc.) When I reached the outside I was completely overwhelmed by how beautiful the world looked, I had to actually turn away from the sun. The entire sky was morphing and moving like I had never seen, the trees swaying back and forth looked so graceful and beautiful. We began walking towards “the Lagoon”, a pond with willows and other trees all around it. Along the way we stopped many times to just gaze away and really take it all in. (this is about 3-4 hours into the trip) We reached the lagoon and began to stroll around. The ripples in the water seemed to literally come at you, like I could actually feel them getting closer to me. Every tree had its own face and what looked like little mouths all over them.

We sat down at a bench that was near the water and lit up 2 joints, which began to make everything even more vibrant. We eventually made it onto the ground somehow and we were all staring into the sky as the clouds danced everywhere. I distinctly remember seeing the sun glow in the corner of the sky and seem to morph and change like a huge burning ball of gas (hmm wonder why) as it moved across the sky. The fractals I was seeing as I gazed into the sky were almost like stained glass,it was just amazing. I distinctly remember saying (in these exact words) “I feel soooo weird….but not as much as I feel awesome!” that basically should describe my experience ha ha.

We made our way over to the art museum (B attends a college in the city, so everything was within walking distance). We had a friend, K, meet up with us there just to keep an eye on us as we were going to be heading inside a museum, for obvious reasons. As we entered the lobby there were about 5 employees and no other people visiting the exhibit. Surprisingly I didn’t feel the sense of anxious awkwardness I feel on mushrooms when in the presence of people who aren’t tripping (or people who probably aren’t cool with it), instead I felt extremely upbeat as we were about to view some of the most amazing pieces of art ON ACID! We got inside the exhibit and everyone kinda began to do their own thing and head their own way. We were probably there for almost 2 hours. Let me just say that if you have the opportunity to view amazing art like I saw on acid, definitely do it. The exhibit was filled with Picasso's, Monet's, Van Gogh, Dali, Renoir… it was an amazing experience and I will never look at art in the same light again. After the museum (this is about 6-7 hours since dosing) we headed back over to the dorms where we lit up another J and began listening to some music just enjoying ourselves and having great conversation. We headed out to a nearby diner, we were all still noticeably tripping, so this was an experience in and of itself. I have never had such trouble ordering something off of a damn menu, I’m sure the waitress thought we were crazy. There were a few other kids who came in after us and began being really loud and obnoxious so we decided it was time to take off. We ended up over at K’s place and watch the newest Futurama Movie. After the movie we went back to B’s dorm where we smoked a J and all got into some pajama’s and turned on “The Flaming Lips:Live in Kansas City Zoo” dvd, which is where I fell asleep (about 12-15 hours after dosing).

I didn’t notice any after effects at all the next day except that I was in an amazing mood with a new appreciation for just about everything.

All in all LSD is an amazing drug that should be treated with the utmost respect, it can be a great experience but it is extremely powerful as I experienced during the peak of my trip. I had an amazing time and can definitely say that I can’t wait until my next experience with LSD. Happy Tripping!

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 68460
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 7, 2019Views: 618
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LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Nature / Outdoors (23), First Times (2), General (1)

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