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Dream/Reality Switcheroo
Citation:   Drugs Jones. "Dream/Reality Switcheroo: An Experience with Ketamine (exp68897)". Erowid.org. Mar 17, 2018. erowid.org/exp/68897

  repeated insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
A few weeks ago, my friends and I came across a gram of Ketamine. We rather foolishly didn't look up the dosage information. We split it into fifths and did small lines over the course of the night.

I was enjoying the warmth and the drunk-without-the-nausea kind of feeling I expected from ketamine until I did the final line (which was one hench motherfucker) and I realised that something was different.

I layed back on the weights bench I was sitting on and thought I was falling asleep. I then realised I was slipping into something much different. I woke up in what seemed to be a maze made of circuit boards. I would walk along the intricate complex of halls and see memories of my life projected onto the walls of the maze. If I touched one I would relive it, convinced it was real. Every so often I would wake up and look around the room and see my friends having similar experiences. These times when I was awake were strange because I was convinced it was a dream. It had all the classic feelings of a dream (which I wouldn't be able to put into words but I know you know what I mean). I would tell myself to 'wake up!' in these 'waking dream' sort of states and I woild instantly slip back into the 'memory maze' state. I've never had a lucid dream but I'm pretty sure this is what it was like. I could fully interact and control myself and it was just like reliving these moments of my life.

I woke up and it was light outside. I came out of it feeling like it was a bad experience (the complete switching of dreams and reality appeared to have freaked me out - the only ever drugs I have ever done is weed and citalopram) but looking back on it I feel glad to have done it. This was definately a venture into the fabled 'K-hole'.

P.S Time distortion is a big part of the drugs main effects. I can say this because just as I snorted the line that sent me into the hole, 'The Division Bell' by Pink Floyd was put on, which I know is only about an hour long. After what felt like 6 hours of tripping, I woke up to find the CD just finishing.

P.P.S The Division Bell is fucking mint CD. Drugs or not.

[Author estimates using a total of 200 mg in the entire experience]

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 68897
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 17, 2018Views: 1,003
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Ketamine (31) : General (1), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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