The Best Day of My Life
by Flux
Citation:   Flux. "The Best Day of My Life: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp70943)". Sep 26, 2022.

4 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
It was Friday morning, I was at the bus stop, and I was swooshing some shrooms around in my cheeks. This is about 7:10 and I am unexplainably excited about tripping shrooms for my first time. Everything I try for the first time is around loads of people, and I know half of the high school body.

So first period rolls around, about 8:45, my friend doesn't want the shrooms I've brought her because she thinks I've ripped her off and wants her money back. No big deal, even though it turns out I didn't rip her off. So I ate hers, too. Wow. At first I was just feeling out of it, but now things are turning weird. Nothing much, it's just that I'm seeing everything as if it were illuminated but some super-bright light. Turns out, my eyes are like saucers, too.

Third period, around 10:30, everything ceases to be normal. It was a huge accomplishment walking down the stairs. It was like a waterfall. So I get to class, physics, and my teacher is talking about the universe. While she's talking she's making gestures with her hands, and when she does, 8 other green hands follow her. I look down at the article in front of me and the words are distorted by little bubbles. A cute girl in class knows whats up and is cracking up. So we go back and forth just laughing about whats going on. Then I decide to speak and explain to the class why there is no such thing as a perfect circle, because no matter how far you magnify it, it will always be curved, so if there was such a perfect circle, time would not exist. They apparently loved it, and my teacher probably guessed I was on something.

In fourth period, I'm shooting hoops and making them for the most part. My friend starts telling me jokes and I can't stop laughing, and he's so funny that I think he's an alien, so I ask him. He takes it as illegal alien, and I'm like no alien. So he tells me he isn't but keeps trying to ask me why I asked. I should probably explain it to him on Monday, eh? I hope he doesn't think I'm an asshole. So towards the end of class I'm sitting in the locker room and the locker doors are straight up in my face and I am amazed at it.

Fifth period rolls around and I'm am tripping. I stare at the floor for a second and little color-spectrum penguins are running around all over the floor. All sorts of little shapes and designs are on my paper and I know why the search for 'trippy pictures' on the internet turns up like it does. I try to draw them down, but can't quite catch them. At Lunch break, around 11:30 I buy a cheeseburger and sit down to eat it. I look at it for a while, and it suddenly gives me an angry stare.
I buy a cheeseburger and sit down to eat it. I look at it for a while, and it suddenly gives me an angry stare.
I tell my friends and explain to them that I feel bad that my burger isn't in a better mood. They finally tell me to take a bite, so I do. I'm chewing it, but it does not taste like a cheeseburger. I tell me friend and he tells me to tell myself it's shrimp, so I do. Guess what? It tastes like shrimp! When I put it back down, it looks like an alligator/shark head.

So after a bit, including things I don't remember, sixth period rolls around and we have a huge, end of the year test. Whoopsie. I'm taking the test and all of a sudden, a flower appears. I'm like hey cool! But then an entire garden blooms, and I can't see my test anymore. So after asking my beautiful friend how they expect me to take a test when there is a damn bouquet on it, I stare off into space and think about life.

One of the worst things is to be able to think every aspect, every question through and realize there is no reason for it, that maybe nothing even exists. It wasn't a bad trip- type thing, it just sucked. I came very close, a few times, to believing in God, but shrugged it off after a while. Then I watched a movie in 7th, and after about 2:30, a nice body-high lasted for a few hours. A very nice come down, overall.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 70943
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 26, 2022Views: 333
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Mushrooms (39) : General (1), First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), School (35)

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