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Being My Child Self
Citation:   lil One. "Being My Child Self: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp71002)". Jun 13, 2018.

2 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
I had tried mushrooms a couple of times before at the time of this experience. It was and is by far my favorite drug, although I use it very rarely. I enjoy being able to talk and reflect on my trips for months before doing them again. I feel it maintains the weight of each trip.

Unlike the times I had done it before, which were all at night, my two best friends #1 and #2, and #1’s girlfriend (GF) and I had my house to ourselves for the day, so we took them around 9:00 in the morning. We sat on my front patio just chilling and talking while we waited for them to kick in. It should be noted that I live in the south, and this is happening during spring time when it doesn’t take much to be amazed at the abundance of life everywhere. As the shrooms slowly took their effect, I became amused with all of the leaves on the trees gently flickering in the breeze. As I was staring at them, a large gust of wind came. As the leaves all rustled in unison, and the trees swayed back and forth, I felt like I was being tickled in my stomach, but instead of muscle tension and laughter being the result, I felt like I was injected with pure joy that ran through all of my veins.

Energized by this I decided that we move to my back yard. Still fixed on the leaves, I decided to lay on my back and stare up at the cherry blossom tree which hung over my porch. It was beautiful. GF joined me, while #1 grabbed my guitar. The guitar was really out of tune, and the sound of him tightening the strings was really trippy and sent me into a kind of body buzz. GF and I started scratching each others heads, and although there wasn’t really anything wrong with it, it felt very sexual. She started to moan and purr, and I felt really bad about it later because it sent my friend into a really uncomfortable trip. A little later, I laid flat on my stomach while she laid on top of me. The sensation I felt can only be described as being hugged by a big cuddly octopus.

When I finally snapped out of it, I realized that #2 had climbed into the tree and was just sitting on big branch, straddling it and swinging his legs. He had taken his shirt off, and looked so perfect and natural sitting there, that I referred to him as Nature Boy. Nature Boy was an artist, and he decided to get some pen and paper he went inside. I didn’t notice him again until I stood up and walked around a bush to see him sitting in the sunlight doing his thing. I approached him much like I would approach a deer in the woods. I didn’t want to disturb his symbiosis with all around him, so I quietly asked for his permission to join him.

When I saw what he had drawn, I asked him if he knew how beautiful what he made was? He had really just doodled some things, and wrote down some of our epiphanies in calligraphy style handwriting. But it was amazing at the time. I tried to draw some things, but I’m not very talented so I stopped. Next time I trip, I will make sure to have paint though because the colors can make up for my lack of talent.

I was starting to have a physical trip again, so I went inside to grab some blankets to writhe around in. I opened the linen closet and had an idea, I would shut myself in the closet and pull all of the blankets around me. It didn’t occur to me at the time, but that was something that I had done a couple of times as a small child. Once I was in, It was pitch black. Being in the closet with blankets all around me triggered a flashback to one of the times I was in the closet as a child. I in fact was in my child body, and I was back in the time that it was when I was a child, but still retained my older brain. I was overwhelmed with love and compassion for my child self. I started to cry and sob because the emotions were so strong.
I started to cry and sob because the emotions were so strong.
It was also one of those “There is so much I wish I could tell you, but I can’t” moments, but I realized that there really wasn’t much that I would change about my life, which made me even more happy.

I’m glad nobody noticed that I was crying in the closet, because that would have cut the experience short. It was an awesome feeling that I keep in a little bottle for whenever I get down. The rest of the trip was pretty uneventful. Even the first part was pretty inconsequential compared to my flashback time travel experience.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 71002
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 13, 2018Views: 584
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Mushrooms (39) : Nature / Outdoors (23), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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