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Full Enlightenment
Morning Glory
by Andi
Citation:   Andi. "Full Enlightenment: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp71029)". Erowid.org. May 18, 2018. erowid.org/exp/71029

8 g oral Morning Glory
I'm 22 years old, from switzerland and am very interested in psychoactive plants and altered states of consciousness since I was 18. I have experience with the plant Salvia Divinorum, especially with extracts from it, which gave me interesting but 'cold' insights into other worlds. Today I call these experiences cold because they weren't accompanied by any feelings of enlightment or feelings of mind expansion. After my LSA (morning glory) experience last weekend I wouldn't call salvia experiences trips, because of the lack of such feelings. For me these experiences are more something like very strong daydreams. Before my new morning glory experience I'm going to talk about, I had taken about 6grams of morning glory seeds some years ago. That experience wasn't very strong, me and my friend were sitting on the couch for 4 hours watching music visualizations which was as interesting and storytelling as watching films. So this experience here is my very first real psychedelic trip ever.

At saturday 10:00pm my friend came to me because we wanted to go to a concert of a friend of ours. We spontanously decided to ingest some psychoactive plants. I don't know exactly why, as we had always premeditated such experiences until that day. We anyway thought that my morning glory seeds aren't that strong. The fact that these seeds are older than 4 years supported this conclusion. So I suggested that we both take 8grams of them. We put the seeds into a glass of water and waited an hour.

At 11:00pm (T +0h) we drank the brew and chewed the seeds properly before swallowing. Then we went to the concert with our bicycles, being a bit nauseous but not tragically. We didn't stay long at the concert as we felt uncomfortable at that hectic place

(T +0.5h). So we decided to go to a park and lie down at the grass which felt great. The thoughts were very fast and ramified. Every time I wanted to say something, while speaking out the sentence, I already thought about something different I had to tell too. We decided to go back to the concert and listen to the end of it. But the effects went stronger and stronger. After short time we were out of the concert room again going back to the grassland. We saw the dimension of the universe and could see some stars that are definitely closer to earth than others.

(1:00am T +2h). We grinned automatically all the time. We decided to go home by foot. To avoid uncomfortable meetings with people and the hectic reality of the city, we walked along smaller roads. After 20 minutes, we didn't know anymore which direction we have to take to come to my apartment. We were lost and trapped in the city. But we took it with humor, sat down and took a break. I was amazed by the very complex structures on a bucked tree and we discussed if this is carved art or 'just' a log. I took a picture of it that tells me today that it wasn't an intent artwork from humans. We finally found a way to come home and realized that the way home takes only about 15 minutes.

At about 2:00am (T +3h) we were in my apartement, but the 15 minutes walking home seemed like 3 hours or so. It was as if we had to walk forever. This was a little bit exhausting for our minds.

At home we sat down and felt very good again. We began to see fractals, eerie complex and sharp. We really experienced infinity, a feeling we never had before. We knew this was something 'supernatural' as we couldn't imagine how a brain could calculate such complex patterns. Our pupils were extremely expanded and we noticed that our eyes made small but very fast movements. We concluded that they move like in the REM (rapid eye movement) dream state and that there could be a connection.

Around 2:30am (T +3.5h) our ego was completely cleared away. This came together with an intense feeling of being enlightened. It is an indescribable feeling. Imagine a human species with no eyes. And then imagine to describe vision to them. This is impossible as long as they don't experience vision on their own. Our mind was very open and expanded. We felt that this is mind expansion, that we at the moment perceive more than anyone else.

This condition did last very long. Sometimes we danced, tried to draw our visuals or tried to audiotape what consciousness is. We knew that what we experience is the world formula. But we couldn't write down the world formula, as humans can't really talk about experiences and sensations. You can't tell anyone how you see the color blue, it's impossible! Because blue is blue. So the problem about the world formula is that we can 'only' experience it. We can only experience how the whole universe works and what consciousness is.

When we ate something, taste was too transformed into fractals. The fact that pain also could be felt as fractals, as pain is only generated in our brain, shocked us for a short time. But we knew that we have everything under control and therefore can't hurt ourselves.

At around 5:00am (T +6h) the effects were still very strong but more relaxed, so we decided to leave the city and go to the house of my parents, who were on holidays. We went there by streetcar. Still, time was very different and long. Every time the station was announced, it seemed like the last announcement was made long time ago, although there is in fact only about 1 minute between the stations. At the house of my parents we were very relaxed (T + 7h). We didn't talk very often as everything is said now. We felt very healed. We saw fractal patterns on images until around 11:00am (T +12h). We tried to sleep but I couldn't. Thoughts were still too strong and fast.

I couldn't sleep the whole day afterwards and we were in a semi-altered consciousness state the whole day. After grinning the whole night long I felt great the whole day and walked alone through the forest to process this immense experience. I never felt hungry or tired, but drank much water during the whole trip and the strong afterglow. At 11:00pm (T +24h) I could finally fall asleep by eating much without feeling hungry. After sleeping 13 hours I woke up back again in the 'normal' world.
This is the most significant experience of my whole life. Mystical, enlighting and healing. I've never realized before how complex nature is.

But the effects did last very long. 12-24 hours can be very long under the influence of it. So it was also a bit exhausting. As thoughts were fractals too, thoughts and time could be infinite. I don't feel the need to repeat the experience as it has told me everything

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 71029
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: May 18, 2018Views: 836
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Morning Glory (38) : General (1), Various (28)

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