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A Bit Too Much
Mushrooms & Cannabis
Citation:   Chris A. "A Bit Too Much: An Experience with Mushrooms & Cannabis (exp71696)". Apr 30, 2019.

5 g oral Mushrooms
  2 hits smoked Cannabis
I had always wanted to try mushrooms. I've tried weed, ketamine, DMT, LSD, DXM, opium, cocaine, Oxycontin (the real stuff), and various other drugs. I had a friend who just happened to have some mushrooms lying around at his house and he offered to give them to me.

Excited, I grabbed the 5 grams of mushrooms and began to devour them. The taste was interesting, but bearable. I don't particularly like the taste of normal mushrooms, let alone magic mushrooms. After finishing the bag of mushrooms, I proceeded to take a hit of some good marijuana to calm the sensation of vomiting that I was told would ensue in the coming hours.

Thirty minutes passed and I began to feel the effects
Thirty minutes passed and I began to feel the effects
of the magic shrooms. My vision began to blur and reality started to become distorted. I felt strong a strong pulse of blood rush to my head about every minute or so. This gave me a feeling of intensified senses every time it happened, especially hearing. I then took my second and final hit of the marijuana. This calmed me down even more and I continued to take in the euphoric feeling that the mushrooms produced. The mushrooms began to take over and after about an hour or so, I was unable to walk. I could sit down, but if I attempted to walk somewhere, I would certainly fall over.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
Two hours passed and I started to feel like I needed to go home. I had a friend who was rolling on Ecstacy take me home. About half way back to my house, I began to get very anxious. I was worried that the cops would pull the two of us over and see our eyes completely dilated. This feeling was compounded after we passed the sixth cop on our way home. I began to lose control of my body heat and was rapidly heating up. I opened the window and stuck my head out the window to try and cool off – to no avail. Another friend in the back seat thought I was trying to jump out and grabbed me instinctively. I was starting to get VERY scared. I couldn’t control it. My mind was beginning to blend reality with the hallucinations from the mushrooms. I couldn’t tell if I was still riding in the car by the end of the trip home. My body was still heating up at that point and by the time my friends got me home, I was dripping with sweat.
by the time my friends got me home, I was dripping with sweat.
This made me wonder: do mushrooms affect the hypothalamus? What else does this drug affect? I hadn’t looked up the specific parts of the brain that the drug affects – something I had done with all of the other drugs that I’d taken.

I got into my bed and the mushrooms truly turned on me. I couldn’t tell if I was still in the car or if I actually had made it back to my house. Fortunately, my bed cooled me down a little. This was a nice change, but the shrooms had gotten a hold of me and they were taking me into the depths of hell that the human mind can create. I just wanted to go to sleep. The last thing that I remember is being SURE that I had broken my brain. My brain just kept going through random thoughts in very rapid succession. At one point, I thought I was in the shower. This didn’t happen, of course. I merely thought it did. I kept saying to myself, “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” Before I got to bed, I had resigned myself to the fact that I was probably going to die. I wished for death in the night because I didn’t want to go through life in the state that I was in. That was the worst part. I actually WANTED to die. I knew I wouldn’t do this to myself, but I figured I would die in the night. It’s an interesting thing to know that death was coming. I died. I became merely a machine whose brain could only produce random thoughts and whose body could barely function to support life. I finally got to sleep.

I just remember waking up and having a headache for two days. Overall, I gained a massive amount of respect for mushrooms and the human brain, in general. They, if done at too large of a dose, could become incapacitating. I will do them again, though. I feel that I just did a bit too much for my first time. Perhaps I’ll just try an eighth or so next time. Mushrooms are good; I just needed to respect their potency.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 71696
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 30, 2019Views: 555
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Mushrooms (39) : Combinations (3), Difficult Experiences (5), Various (28)

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