Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
My Pants Look Like Jazz Album Covers!
Citation:   D-Day. "My Pants Look Like Jazz Album Covers!: An Experience with DMT (exp74368)". Aug 19, 2009.

1 hit smoked DMT (powder / crystals)
I had two similar experiences with DMT.

The first time was after a night of tripping acid. I had gone for a walk outside as I couldn't handle all the noise and blur of inside. As I walked out the front gate I found a yellow bucket - I picked up the bucket and went wandering off talking to the bucket, asking it what it was doing all alone outside etc. I then stumbled accross a basketball which when i picked up, fit perfectly into the yellow bucket. The experience of the two objects fitting together impacted me quite profoundly at the time, I remember asking myself 'Was I supposed to find the ball and the bucket? Is it part of my bigger plan? Is it a sign that I'm on the right track in life?'

After much consideration I walked back inside, ball in bucket in hand. I wanted to bring everybody's attention to the beauty of the ball in the bucket - there was a peculiar reaction among the people there, many felt the need to try and pull the ball out of the bucket, but I was very protective. 'Don't you see?' I said 'If the ball was out of the bucket it wouldn't be special, they would be just a couple of separate objects but now they give each other purpose.' I walked around saying things like 'I found my secrets in a bucket yo'. Nobody else seemed to understand the importance of the ball and the bucket - electronic beats were booming and I took the ball in bucket to the room the music was coming from and danced with the ball in bucket, as though it was my dance partner, I was spinning it above my head and around the back. A dude named Eli came up to me and said 'That ball in the bucket is like your woman isn't it? It's your partner' I had recenty just waved goodbye to my long distance partner for six months so that could have been a reason the coming together of the two objects had affected me so greatly.

Pirate was sitting in the lounge room and possibly to put a stop to my mad ravings told me to come and sit down and have a cone. I sat down, but what was being packed for me was not bud, but what looked like a herbal mixture. It was DMT. The ball in the bucket was sitting on my lap and I was told to 'hold it in' when I smoked it. As the smoke entered my lungs it felt like pin pricks were being sent to every inch of my body, my heart felt like it slowed down and then I looked into the bucket - I saw the hundreds of tiny grip circles the ball was made up of and they were all either a bright purple, bright green, bright pink and bright red, glowing the way stars do. As i looked closer, the grip circles looked like individual LED message displays showing different hieroglyphic characters (I can't remember which ones as I haven't studied their meaning or importance before) and the LED coloured hieroglyphic characters seemed to travel underneath to the side of the circle I could not see and then return again like a rolling message display. It was a beautiful experience and I don't know how much time passed as a sat staring into the bucket - after snapping out of the trip I felt it was time to leave as i believed I had solved the mystery of the ball and the bucket and its place in my life. I walked to the door but before leaving I turned to the room who all appeared to be looking at me and said 'The bucket is just the container and the ball is the infinite distraction!' and left the building.

The second time began at a music festival where I took some strong acid and spent much of the time squirming in a well of my own thoughts and juices - I left the premises several times that night as i couldn't handle some of the music - during the EMO band who played I felt really angry that they were allowed to play and didn't feel I could listen to them, my friend who was also tripping had an experience of bursting into tears while the EMO band played, not because she related to their hardship but simply that 'their music sounded so sad!'

I went for a walk away from the festival with another friend to get some money from an ATM and on the way back we decided to stop into the bar for a drink (much cheaper than inside) so we had a glass each of Captain Morgan rum and as we left we both spotted a small bag on the ground - I knelt down, picked it up and put it in my pocket - it felt like Ecstasy but there were cops outside the bar so I waited to look. Once back inside the festival I got out the bag and saw there to be 3 pills - we thought there was a pretty good chance they were Es and me and the friend I found them with took one each - it was just what I needed to snap me out of my slightly too intense experience on acid. I tried to sell the other pill but the friend I asked didn't trust anything found on the ground - his loss I guess.

After the festival we went back to my house and eventually a friend pulled out a speed bag with tiny orange looking crystals. 'You wanna DMT bong D?' asked Pirate. I looked at the packed cone with crystal sprinkles on top. 'Why not?' I said 'I've done every other bloody thing tonight'. 'That's the spirit' he said. I was the first of the whole group to try some and I knew it would be a stronger dose than my last. I pulled the cone with a new found power from the pill I found and held the smoke in as long as I could before it escaped out my mouth. I was prepared for the effect this time and I had a sort of battle in my head between life and death, but there was no choice, I knew I was to step up to the drug and come out the other side, I wasn't scared.

The three people in front of me turned a different colour, a bright pink, bright purple and bright green - the same colours I had seen on my previous DMT journey. The green and pink coloured people sort of blurred and swirled, but the purple person had a giant spiky, rubber looking Afro protruding from his skull, it was dancing like waves. I then looked at my shirt and it looked cartoon like - simple, bright colours, all possessing a reoccurring pattern, circles and squares and triangles, I then looked at my pants and they looked like flared barbers poles, sort of spinning, the patterns looked active, moving but colours so bright and simple, you wouldn't see them occur naturally - the colours were really funky, like they were from a fictional, psychedelic cartoon period of history.

I looked up at the sky and the same colours I saw in the ball in the bucket took the form of stars in the sky, sort of making a grid of the sky, mapping it out so I could locate a specific point in the whole sky by referring to what square of the grid it fell into. Anything in my line of vision before the sky was also mapped out but by the fitting together of many different shapes in the same colours I saw in the ballinbucket - it was like I could understand how matter fitted together. The first thing I said after my journey was 'I wish you could see all these colours. My jeans looked like jazz album covers!'

These are my two related stories about DMT - they both involved acid, but they both involved finding something which provided for an increased understanding.

The combination of the bright purple, bright pink, bright blue and a dark yellow colours stood out to me on both occasions - I think they may be significant.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 74368
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 19, 2009Views: 5,419
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