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My Documentation of Disappointment
Methylphenidate (Concerta) & Cannabis
Citation:   Papabean. "My Documentation of Disappointment: An Experience with Methylphenidate (Concerta) & Cannabis (exp76644)". Apr 21, 2023.

T+ 0:00
54 mg oral Pharms - Methylphenidate (pill / tablet)
  T+ 5:05 3 hits smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 9:25 5 hits smoked Cannabis (plant material)
After expressing an interest in the effects of various prescription stimulants, more specifically, ADD/ADHD meds, I landed a 54mg Concerta for a buck and change. I do not have ADHD or ADD.
Previous drug experience: I smoke weed as much as any typical teenager (2-3 times a week, and I'm 16), have tried ecstasy, salvia, and recently was frequently using prescription pain meds and benzodiazepines, such as hydrocodone (vicodin), morphine (ms-contin), codeine (tylenol 3), hydromorphone (dilaudid), diazepam (valium), lorazepam (atvian), phenobarbital, and other various pills and meds. I have dabbled with Adderall in the past with little results other than a loss of appetite, so I was hoping for a more positive experience with methylphenidate. I also love to read experience reports, so I figured 'why not' write one, not to mention I didn't find very many reports with exactly 54mg, which is the dosage for this report.

The previous night I smoked some high quality bud and had popped some pain meds earlier in the day. After coming home for the night (weed and pills wore off by then), I popped some dilaudid and hydrocodone for good times sake, but do intend to quit as the withdrawls for the other monster (morphine) I was addicted to have finally passed. Not the best idea, I know, but moving on.

Today I awoke at around 10am with the intent of using the pill today. I was aware that taking the pill past noon may cause me to have difficulty falling asleep at night, but I didn't want to take it early and have it wear off before it even got dark. I also have many pills to calm me down at the end of the day even while on uppers such as this, so I'm not worried. I chose around 1:30 to pop it.

1:35pm: Ingest dark red/brown cylindrical pill, rounded ends, with 'Alza 54' written on it. This is 54mg methylphenidate, brand name Concerta. Ate a meal before taking the pill as I know that these type of meds cause a decrease in appetite for several hours.

1:46: Nothing yet, I feel a little strange but perhaps thats just a placebo.

1:57: Still nothing in the slightest beside the same 'not quite 100% sober' feeling mentioned earlier.

2:22: Definitely something. Listening to My Life by The Game and I feel an oddly stimulating head rush, though mild now, I feel like it is only going to get stronger and better. As for my mood, its basically the same at this point. These being long lasting pills, something tells me this is hardly a taste of what's to come. Music doesn't sound any different, by the way.

2:35: Its been an hour, and I can't really say I feel all that much. Not sober, but not intoxicated. So far I'd have to say this is a little disappointing.

3:20: Helped parents with some yardwork. Can't say I noticed a significant boost in energy, I just feel awake and stimulated, almost like a strong ass cup of coffee. Off to try some school work to see if this stuff helps me with focus/concentration.

3:51: Right as I sat down to do some work my friend showed up. Going to play the drums n jam, I guess we'll see how that goes. Same feeling as before, more mental than physical, I feel very awake and alert, although it feels fake. Almost like drinking an energy drink when you're tired, you're awake yet your mind is restless. In this case rather than feeling sober I feel artificially high I guess you can say. A good example would be comparing soberness to a weed high, the weed high feels natural, and even though this is good it feels synthetic. Sorry if that's confusing, I'm on drugs remember?

4:29: No surprise, I didn't end up playing any drums and came inside to talk with my friend. I've noticed a decrease in ability to form words from thoughts, even though my thoughts are fluid it comes out sloppy in the form of slightly irregular sentences and such.
I've noticed a decrease in ability to form words from thoughts, even though my thoughts are fluid it comes out sloppy in the form of slightly irregular sentences and such.

4:52: Listening to local bands on myspace, I've noticed a slight decrease in the mental effects and a slight increase physical-wise. My head feels stimulated, but my mind feels almost tired. I must say even though I have had nothing than more than minute effects from Adderall, I actually perfer it over this.

5:17: I have a slight headache and have trouble standing around doing nothing, like I have to keep moving or talking or something. I'd consider this a negative effect, like the speediness is the bad kind not the good kind.

5:33: The 'headache' I just described has subsided into something much more pleasant, just typical stimulant feeling. Around the company of more friends, I lighten up and my thoughts slow down. Finally I can see how this is a recreational drug, although I wouldn't pay more than 2 a pill for it. Also my foot just twitched. Weird.

6:30: Take four hits off a very nice bong packed with good cannabis. Decide to go to a cheap concert that starts at nine just one city over because we had nothing else planned for the night. As for the effects from the pill, I really don't notice much aside from the strangeness previously mentioned.

11:00: Take 5 hits off a blunt after the concert was over. Have a headache, not cool. I don't feel speedy, but still feel negatively stimulated.

1:57am: Finally home after a long night. I won't go into details about what happened as they are not relevant to the effects of methylphenidate, but basically I had a fat headache for the longest time. Even while trying to enjoy the effects of cannabis, I still had a headache that didn't kill the mood or the night, but was definitely an annoyance. I'm about to crash.

All in all I would have to say this drug kind of sucks. I thought 54mg was a good dose and all it really did was give me a weird stimulation that wasn't very enjoyable, and then a fat headache lasting for hours. It's 2:01 in the morning as I type this and it is still there, although I assume the effects of the drug have long since wore off. I hope this doesn't leave a bad impression on me. If I had to sum my experience up in one word: SHITTY. I have not eaten for 14 hours because of this drug, it really does kill appetite. Some people like this drug, but I certainly do not. It must have different effects on other people because I do not see how this can be enjoyable.

Last words: weed is still the only drug that hasn't let me down. In other words, this experience has made me realize that all of these pills are a waste and that sticking with weed is the way to go. I don't <1--condone smoking-->smoke all day every day, but using weed every once in awhile is such a good thing compared to these pills. Thanks for reading.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 76644
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 21, 2023Views: 478
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