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Citation:   bottledwater. "(After)effects: An Experience with MDMA (exp82493)". Mar 1, 2023.

T+ 0:00
1 glass oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine
  T+ 0:00 120 - 150 mg oral MDMA
  T+ 0:30 50 mg oral MDMA
  T+ 5:30 100 mg oral MDMA
  T+ 0:00 8 joints/cigs smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes
My friend managed to get his hands on some MDMA powder, 1 gram to be exact. We were planning on going to a party and taking it, but that did not happen, instead we just wasted the night, anyway, here is how it folded out:

(I have done e before, but this time it was pure, so I thought this experience would be more useful)

1: midnight, friend's apartment:

We drank a beer each, then just did nothing for a little bit, then we each took 120-150 mg initially, around midnight. Effects started to set in about 20 minutes later. He dissolved his share in water and drank it, I put mine in a small piece of kleenex and took it like a pill. Pupil dilation was at about 20 minutes after ingestion, but at this point we didn't feel significantly different, though the world felt different, somehow, I felt like the air was heavier, and touch was also more sensitive. None of this felt bad, it was just strange. During this stage, anxiety was also noticeably reduced. Around 30 mins in, we each took an extra 50 mg each, using the same methods as before.

Basically, the following effects happened in 30 mins:

Altered (neutral) world experience
Enlarged pupils
Things felt slightly smoother, touch was more sensitive

2: train, ~12:30 am

On the way to the train, I felt the coming up. It was not very pleasant, I started to think I should not have taken the ecstasy, and I felt rather hot, even though it was very cold and drizzling outside. This continued well until we were on the train.

Once we got on the train, the unpleasant feelings got worse, I felt really hot, and my skin felt like it was burning. I had significant anxiety, perhaps comparable to a mild panic attack (though I have never had one of those sober, only once I had one on shrooms, though this time it was a lot milder) there were not many people on the train, but I felt all their attention was on me, in a negative way.

We were on the train for about 15 mins. I had wanted to get out of the train, though I didn't say anything. At this point, I began to feel somewhat sleepy, and my eyelids became heavy. I put my head between my hands and closed my eyes.

I had been 'resting' for only 20 seconds, then suddenly, within a fraction of a second, my body stopped feeling really hot, and my skin was not burning any more. Every single bad emotion I had until that point was suddenly gone. My feelings were replaced by an amazing sense of peace, relaxation, and happiness. I was rather surprised at this, since it happened so fast and so unexpectedly. Regardless, I knew I had reached the peak, the feeling was amazing. Here are the differences:

Emotional: anxiety, restlessness, regret, were all replaced by happiness and peace. I no longer cared that other people may have been looking at me. I didn't care anymore whether I got off the train, or I did not. I felt really, really good.

Physiological (perceived): burning skin was changed to a perfectly comfortable temperature, my sense of touch was also significantly more sensitive, everything was soft.

3: After we left the train, we went to my friend's house and just talked and chilled for about an hour. At this point I noticed a massive reduction in anxiety about talking about anything, I felt as though it was OK to talk about anything, and that is what we did. Time flew by, I thought we were in his house only for 20 minutes, but we were there for an hour. After this, we went for a walk.

The weather was very, very cold, and it was raining. I believe it was about 20-30 Fahrenheit (we looked this up later on), but we felt very, very comfortable. The walk took an hour and a half. We bought some menthol cigarettes, and we smoked about 8 each throughout the whole thing. They felt really good, better than normal cigarettes. By the time the walk was over, it was 4:30 am. We headed back to my friend's house and watched two episodes of family guy. And surfed the web a little bit. I had started to feel very, very sleepy. At 5:30, we each took 100 more milligrams of MDMA powder, I used the kleenex method, my friend dissolved it in water.

The second dose did almost nothing.
The second dose did almost nothing.
I was still very, very tired, and went to sleep around 6:30 am.


I woke up at noon, and started to walk home. I was very thirsty, and I felt hung over as if I had been drinking heavily. I did not have any bad emotional feelings, however I did feel pretty crappy, because I felt tired and had a feeling of general malaise. I got on the train and went home. I checked my pupils, they were still very big, as big as they were last night. I drank 3 cups of milk and ate lunch, then I took a 3 hour nap until 4 pm. When I woke up, I drank 4 more cups of milk, and just hung around the house for a bit. I did not have any feelings of depression, nor did I feel good. I felt fine, though I did still feel a little hung over, until about 8 pm. My pupils returned to their original size around 6 pm, 12 hours since the last dose, and 18 hours after the initial dose.

By 10 pm I felt fine, though I was rather bored. I still felt a little tired, which I think is because I had not slept very well. I noticed that I had been going to the bathroom less when I was on ecstasy, and that I had been going more frequently the day after, at one point I was going to the bathroom every 20 minutes, but this was right after the 4 cups of milk, so I imagine that is what caused it, not the MDMA.

By midnight, I felt completely fine, as if the day before was just another random day. I did feel slightly better in my mood, but the difference from normal mood were very, very slight.

Here are the summary of the effects:

Coming up (30-45 mins after taking it):

Unpleasant feelings, anxiety, feeling hot, skin feels like it was on fire, regretting taking it.

Peak (45 mins to 5 hours after taking it):
Peace, complete lack of any anxiety, feeling warm. Touch is very, very sensitive, everything feels very soft. The general feeling was very, very good, very pleasant.

Coming down (5-6 hours after taking it):

I did not want the peak to end, it just felt too good. The reason we did the second dose was to keep the effects going. I had a strong feeling of wanting the feeling to last forever, and I knew it would not. This, however, did not cause me anxiety or sadness, I just wanted more of the feeling. The urgency of wanting the feeling to go on was not as bad as coming down from coke, but it was there. On a scale of 1-10, 1 being how much I want a candy bar on any given day, and 10 being how much I want 1 million dollars, 5 being how much I want a cigarette after not having one for a day, the feeling was a 2 or 2.5 (for comparison, the coke come down would be like a 4)

Day after:

Slight malaise, being tired, dehydration, possibly a slight lift in mood. Dry mouth for about half the day. All of these symptoms were gone except the mood lift by the end of the day.

One note: from the other times I have taken ecstasy, this one had the least terrible day after, even though it was unpleasant, it was easily bearable and about as bad as an average/below average hangover. One of the times I took ecstasy (though I believe it was very bad ecstasy) for 2 days afterwards, I still felt really hot and terrible. Disregarding that experience, this time the days after felt better than all the other times, I believe this was because of the large amount of milk that I drank.

Next time, what I will do is to drink more Gatorade, perhaps 3 bottles throughout the whole experience, and maybe 1 more the day after. Also I will drink about 8 cups of milk throughout the next day. I will also not take a second dose towards the end of the peak, as I feel like it is a waste.


Another general effect I have noticed is that taking ecstasy completely kills my sex drive. I look at girls and just see something visually pretty, but not sexually attractive (nor repulsive). I also like metal music normally, but on ecstasy I feel too calm and at peace, I prefer something like pink floyd, metal doesn't sound good to me, neither does techno. Also, I did not feel like dancing at all, though I did feel like I wanted to do *something*, but that was probably because I was on ecstasy and had nothing interesting to do other than just hang out.

Some other things I noticed were closed eye hallucinations, very, very vivid ones. When I was getting sleepy, and I closed my eyes, I could see any situation I was thinking about as if I was there and it was really happening. For example: I clearly saw a spider making a web on a wet tree, and I saw my friends talking to each other at a party, with amazing clarity. I had also wanted low light conditions, bright things bothered me, although when we went to a store, the lights and colors seemed really awesome, but when we were in my friend's house, I preferred low light, and calm sounds. I always get this way on ecstasy, not just this time, I prefer to be with only a few other people without too many lights or sounds.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 82493
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Mar 1, 2023Views: 440
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MDMA (3) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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