Citation:   Anonymous. "Psychosis: An Experience with AMT (exp8337)". Feb 15, 2002.

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T+ 0:00
45 mg oral AMT (powder / crystals)
  T+ 3:00 45 mg oral AMT (powder / crystals)
[Erowid Note: No contact information was provided with the report, so we are unable to confirm it or follow up with the author.]

Recently, my friend got some AMT. He'd wanted to try it for awhile, and previously had done 5-MeO-DiPT. I'm not an amateur to drugs, but to chemical compounds I'm fairly new (and done).

It started out normally. My friend capped some out in about 20-25mg caps. I ate two and so did he, about 8:00pm. I started to feel wierd about 9:30 and my friend vomited.. we went down to the basement and turned on Phish. About 10:00 I started to have a body buzz and I cuddled up with my friend's mother's fuzzy coat.. We felt like we were rolling and told stories. About 11:00pm we popped two more caps each. The rolling feeling continued until about 1:00am, then everything went totally wierd.

I started to feel like I was tripping harder than I ever had before.. I wasn't worried, because I'd only read about one bad AMT trip on-line, and it was with multiple drugs. Then my friend told me I was gay, as I was rubbing his head still, the rolling feeling not quite subsided.. that threw me totally off and I was completely obsessed with making him believe I was no homosexual.. This frightened me, because I am not a homophobe.. I started thinking way too much and it started a loop in my head. My friend said that the only thing I said after that was, 'I got it!' and then, 'There it goes!', over & over.

About 4:00am I remember a big man lifting me into an ambulance. My friend said that I had gotten naked and refused to put my clothes on. I broke his computer and urinated all over his bed.. I'd thrown CD's, broken a lamp and other things. In the ambulance, I recall, they put an IV in my arm and I freaked out and started screaming obscenities about how badly it hurt, when in reality I couldn't feel someone cutting my arm off. When we got to the Hospital, I urinated on the bed, again. I called the doctor 'Ronald McDonald'. I very faintly recall all of this.

My girlfriend was in the room and she said that my pupils were so big that my eyes just looked black. She said I was sweating everywhere and didn't recognize anyone. I don't remember anything except them giving me lots of shots.

I woke up later upstairs in a hospital room. I was so doped up that I did nothing but sleep for two days. Now it's Tuesday. This all happened on Saturday evening/Sunday morning. I have no feeling in my right index finger, and my left ear is completely deaf. The doctors don't know if this will get better, or if it is in direct relation to the AMT. All I know is that this is the worst things that's ever happened to me.

Please, anyone who does this drug, do it carefully and take a small amount. I am going to be sober for the rest of my life. My girlfriend has left, and I am completely depressed and sorry. This was the worst trip I ever had, and I don't think I ever would've come back had the doctors not countered the AMT with Anti-psychotics.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 8337
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 15, 2002Views: 18,343
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AMT (7) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Post Trip Problems (8), Overdose (29), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Bad Trips (6), First Times (2)

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