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Whitey's Aren't Good!
by Neo
Citation:   Neo. "Whitey's Aren't Good!: An Experience with Cannabis (exp8423)". Jun 28, 2005.

  repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
This is a humbling experience that changed my perception of Cannabis’ power to change the way a human body functions.

I, being a teenager, feel that to be well respected from my peers you need to be taking part in the activities that are deemed by parents to be dangerous, this is not true and a stupid view of teenage life. Parents have most probably been, at one point in their life, dope smokers, whether it is punk or hash. I was a ‘late starter’ when it came to doing drugs when compared to my friends. I was told stories about first timers who throw violent reactions to Cannabis. I never experienced any bad effects until one Saturday round my good Friend PiC’s house.

There were four of us: Me, Meat, PiC and Bous were all going to get stoned for the hell of it! It had the potential to be a relaxing evening. Not for me.

I started off the day by meeting another friend in the town’s park and had a couple of joints from the 1/8 I had bought. Everything was fine until I started to feel a bit ‘off’. I wasn’t feeling comfortable in my stomach, however much food and drink I filled it with it, the feeling didn’t pass. I was stoned and was already mongin’ (going into my own quiet world). The bus ride was particularly unpleasant because I was sure that by the time I was off the bus I would’ve vomited over the woman sitting in front of me. No puke yet. When PiC and me had arrived at his, Bous was already skinning up. Meat turned up little later.

We had all skinned up and sparked up. All was well in my mind, I was feeling happy, I was laughing, I was comfortable and I was even more wasted. We must have had nearly 20 spliffs and that was too much for my body to handle. I wasn’t actually sure what time it was when I had disgusting waves of nausea sweeping over my body from head to toe. I knew that if I were sick I wouldn’t feel as bad so I made my way to the toilet. I used it for what it’s made for and then hesitated on leaving the bathroom. My head was switching from hot to cold in waves. My hands were shacking more than I have ever seen and my face was as white as fresh virgin snow. I resumed the stance of ‘Doggy’ so I could vomit and actually hit the water of the toilet. I started heaving; nothing was being ejected from my body. I continued to heave almost to the point of vomiting but absolutely nothing came out. I was frustrated that I had spoiled my own night from over indulging. The ironic thing was that the bathroom is next to PiC’s mum’s room… she was watching a programme about pot smokers and the legal status of Cannabis in the UK. I found it funny because I was stoned while listening to a well-spoken man talk about the effects that I was experiencing. I had to laugh at least in my head at that. I was interrupted in my face to face with the toilet bowl by PiC’s uncle. I dragged myself into his room and had to lie on the floor. I was expressing my situation to the rest of the guys who were nothing but as sympathetic as one could be when stoned.

It wasn’t long before I made another trip into the bathroom to reacquaint myself with the toilet bowl! I tried to spew but couldn’t and it was making me very uncomfortable. I gave up and headed back to the smoke filled room to lie on PiC’s sofa bed. I was too annoyed to really take note of what I was feeling like other than extreme nausea. All I was thinking about was falling to sleep, which took its time!! While I was lying on the bed I felt I was falling down to earth from a higher place. I wasn’t sure which was I was pointing or facing once my eyes were closed. All I could think about was how this plant had me at its mercy, I was nearly crying from the pain and discomfort that I was experiencing. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF CANNABIS.

So after an unpleasant night I wake up to a boiling hot humid room and more spliffs!! My mum picked me up soon after I awoke and that was one of the happiest moments in my life, no sh*t!! I was so relieved! That night was gone and my home and a shower were waiting for me at home.

After that weekend I stayed clear of draw for about a week before I started creeping back into the habit. A little note for anyone who might read this: take what you can, not what you want.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 8423
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 28, 2005Views: 9,858
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Cannabis (1) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Difficult Experiences (5), General (1)

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