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So Good I Stopped Doing Heroin
Cocaine (Crack)
Citation:   Sean D. "So Good I Stopped Doing Heroin: An Experience with Cocaine (Crack) (exp84293)". Oct 1, 2017.

  repeated smoked Cocaine
I've been a heroin and xanax addict since I was 19, almost 4 years now. My heroin dealer smoked ALOT of crack, and eventually wore me down. I've always been a downer kinda guy, so I expected a panic attack and that would be the end of it. Boy I was wrong.

I spent the next 3 days awake smoking crack, and when I couldn't get it, I picked every white piece of junk off the floor and tried to smoke it. It amazes me how quickly this stuff grabs you. I even stopped doing heroin and took my prescribed suboxone because crack was THAT good.

I am astounded that after only ONE day, I was pulling crackhead shit like digging around for crumbs, only to smoke bits of ramen or pebbles. The comedown is almost as bad as dopesickness; total despair, suicidal thoughts, utter hopelessness.

Crack is wack.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 84293
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Oct 1, 2017Views: 1,535
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Cocaine (13) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Multi-Day Experience (13), Unknown Context (20)

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