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Like a Brand New Baby
Citation:   tp722. "Like a Brand New Baby: An Experience with LSD (exp85607)". Nov 16, 2022.

T+ 0:00
4 hits oral LSD  
  T+ 0:00 Repeated joints/cigs smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
  T+ 6:00 2 hits smoked Cannabis (flowers)
I have always been into altering my state of mind and changing the way I think. My favorite drug by far has to be ecstasy, but I hate the hangover I get from it as I come down, it really puts a load on my body. To date, the best exp I had with drugs was hippie flipping (x and shrooms). I have never candy flipped before (x and acid). In south Florida it seem like there’s a “drought” on acid. Thank God I reconnected with an old friend of mine. We had been hanging out for a while now because he wanted someone to smoke weed with. Eventually we begin talking about psychedelics, I told him about my experiences with them and he told me about his.

Setting: My friend’s backyard when no one was home. The sun is shining brightly, a few light clouds in the sky, iPod hooked up to stereo. I arrived at 9am, and took 4 hits all at once upon arrival. My friend, P, came out to greet me, and told me he would be skipping half a day of school with me, go back to class, then get home at 3 to continue sitting me. It was a good arrangement.

At 10 I start giggling and laughing at nothing. I feel all my anxiety melting away. P keeps asking “if I feel it yet” and I am not sure, music just sounds great. I have the Beatles playing, Hendrix, zed Zephlin, etc. My girlfriend starts IMing me on my phone. She seems to be having fun with her new friend and it bothers me somewhere inside that I have to fight for her attention.

P leaves at 11ish, and as soon as he leaves everything starts kicking in stronger, I know I am tripping when I closed my eyes and I saw these 2 beautiful curved lines in my mind, surrounded by darkness, they seemed so huge, so beautiful, they were red and where cut into segments, and in those boxes there were more lines, and those lines changed color. I sat like that for a while.

Thoughts seem to be pouring into my head, one “revelation” after another. I begin to feel more free. I had worn a dress shirt and dress pants for the trip. I take off my shoes, I take off my watch, my wristband, everything in my pocket and unbutton my shirt and rolled up my sleeves. It felt so good to be so free. I begin to walk around the yard, I look up at the sky and I am amazed by the grandeur of it all. The sky so blue, the clouds so white, the grass is so green. Staring up at the clouds and watching the shapes turn into things, or animals is so pleasurable.
I look up at the sky and I am amazed by the grandeur of it all. The sky so blue, the clouds so white, the grass is so green. Staring up at the clouds and watching the shapes turn into things, or animals is so pleasurable.

At around 12 it feels like time has indefinitely slowed down I am laying in his trampoline and the sound of my phone scares me for a second. P calls and he asks if I feel anything yet. I told him the truth “The best way to describe it is I feel like a brand new baby. Everything is filled with wonder, things I have never noticed before have become amazingly interesting. This is what it would feel like to be half blind and half deaf all my life and suddenly have all my senses become perfect.”

I began to feel the hippie spirit, I thought why do other people hate people because of race or just because they are different? Life is about love, and that’s all we should spread. My gf came back online and was IMing me again. She didn’t like the idea of me being high, but I told her she could ask me anything, that my answers would have a different meaning in this state. She asked if I ever thought about cheating on her. I was honest and said “I only really thought about it once in the beginning but that was before I really got to know you, and once I did know you I didn’t want anyone else.”

She seemed like she was occupied with her friends at school to pay too much mind. I asked her the same question, and this was the beginning of my ego death. She said “Well once.”

Ego death, it sometimes isn’t an easy thing. Thoughts rushed my mind, like what kind of joke is that, I knew I was being lied to. She said she had to go and she loved me and she was gone. Her words filled my mind for hours after this. It was difficult, to know that you have put a year of your life to go through misery just to know it was all in vain.

It hurt, and the cid just kept raising more questions. Should I ask her about it and press the issue more? Or should I live in the bliss of ignorance? Everything fell into place, my mind told me the reason she doesn’t want to say who it is, is because he is part of her life now, and maybe one day soon I will get the news that I have been cheated on again.

I truly felt ego death. So I decide that I don’t wanna ruin my trip so far and I put on the Beatles “Here Comes the Sun” and I feel like crying because it just holds so much more meaning. I put on MGMT “Time to Pretend” to make my mind state more happy. Life is wonderful, I get up and walk around, I get water a few times, I explore this new environment. I go back and sit down, I put on some rap and RnB and reggae and just vibe for a minute. P comes through the fence and scares the shit out of me for a second.

Then I greet him with joy that I don’t have to think about what’s going on with my girlfriend. P is a very happy and optimistic person and is always fun to be around. It almost 3pm, we start talking about everything, and his idea’s to balance mines makes me feel so human, conversation is so interesting. He pulls out a bag of Marijuana, its “Arizona,” I have smoked Arizona before and they aren’t very high grade so I wasn’t impressed.

I took 2 hits of the weed because I didn’t want to dull my lsd trip. I give P the keys to my car and we are off to anywhere. I tell him to think about me in this literal sense “I am on vacation, you’re my escort, you plan where we go, you can use my money, my car, I am just not making any choices about life right now. I am on vacation and what you say goes.”

We go to a wing place and I haven’t eaten all day so the food tastes great, but the environment sucks. We go and buy some sunglasses for me. I look in the mirror and I am surprised at my own reflection, I look like I'm rich? P says, I would think u were a drug dealer if I didn’t know better; you’re always so well dressed.

After that we go to a park, the water looks amazing. The view of the sky is great, I just lie down in the grass and listen to music and explore. P is such a good sitter and it’s his first time doing it. So then I tell him I want to walk around and he comes with me. Just walking around listening to music feels wonderful. I feel at peace.

We find this campfire site with some wood set up by the park already to burn. P goes on a mission to set it on fire. At the point I am laying on a table, I have a cigarette, and I realized throughout the day I must have had like 10 cigarettes. The fire is just starting to catch and it starts pouring rain and I have my phone and iPod on me, I hide under a tree while P tries to light the fire but its raining too hard so we start running to my car, we are soaked and we didn’t even make it to my car. We stand under a shelter and there are these two old ladies’ doing yoga and its tripping me out to watch them move in perfect sync. P shows up with my car and we sit under a shelter and talk for a while.

He takes us to this nice restaurant and we are still soaking wet, we get some “chicken cheese tacos” and we r both soaking wet and cold, I order tea because I am freezing. After we r done eating, he drives himself home, and he makes sure that I am sober enough to drive. I drive home, I made sure to concentrate because I knew I was in the comedown part of my trip at 9pm. I start thinking about my girlfriend’s words and it bothers me deeply. I call a friendgirl of mine who use to be more than just a friend to me and I break down. Millions of thoughts race through my mind about the subject.

Ultimately I had a great experience. I felt like a brand new baby, everything was filled with wonder for me, I forgot how good it feels to be a child. I felt like a blind man seeing everything for the first time. I felt like a deaf man hearing for the first time. I cannot wait to do it again, but cid is scarce in south Florida. I felt reborn, like I grew so much that day. I want to have that feeling again. It’s amazing how something so little can unplug me from society for a whole day, and that wasn’t even quality cid.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 85607
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Nov 16, 2022Views: 335
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LSD (2) : Various (28), Relationships (44), Guides / Sitters (39), Glowing Experiences (4), General (1)

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