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Felt Like I Was Having a Panic Attack
by mg
Citation:   mg. "Felt Like I Was Having a Panic Attack: An Experience with Cannabis (exp86539)". Oct 20, 2022.

7 - 8 hits smoked Cannabis
At the time of this trip I had become a frequent smoker and had been smoking marijuana around 3-7 times a week for a good six months and I started smoking infrequently long before that. I smoked maybe around a gram of a new strain of extremely potent marijuana I hadnt tried before, smoking it all at once in about 7-10 hits using a piece I had borrowed from my brother. I was in my room, my door was closed and I had a red light but otherwise it was dark and it was around 11PM.

I began the usual onset to a trip and I turned on the radio like I normally do, but it felt like I just kept getting higher and higher. I noticed a tightness in my chest and I felt panicky which never happens to me.
I just kept getting higher and higher. I noticed a tightness in my chest and I felt panicky which never happens to me.
When I shivered, it felt like I had ants or bugs crawling in and around my mouth. My heart was racing more than usual and I felt slightly paranoid when I decided to just lay down. I did my best to let go of my emotions and became entranced watching my carpet in the glow of the red light with the music in the background. I got to staring at this stain in my carpet that had begun to move. I'd had visual hallucinations before on other drugs but I never heard of anything while on marijuana but I didnt think about that until much later. The stain began moving and it began to resemble a donkey and in the red light it looked purple. It began marching around in circles on my floor and I noticed there were octopi and human faces on my floor. The were staring at me and their eyes were following me (it was very creepy) and the shadows on my walls were moving around in waves. My bed began to feel like I was being sucked into it, rather than the usual sinking feeling I normally get when I'm high. It kind of felt like I was on a boat or a ship or something out at sea but I was like terrified at this point. I felt like I was having an extremely bad trip (luckily I didnt visualize anything too hard to handle) and I felt like I was having a panic attack. I was sweating profusely and I could not calm myself down. The shadows on my walls kept swirling around me and I really didnt know what to do, I just lay in my bed feeling completely paranoid and scared. I had the normal buzzed, numb feeling of smoking weed but I simply could not relax. So I stayed in my room for the next hour or so until I was okay to fall asleep and sleep it off. I dont remember what I dreamt but I remember it was a vivid lifelike dream and I woke up disoriented.

I've never tripped like that since then and I never had before that. I havent bought weed from the person who sold it to me since then.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 86539
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Oct 20, 2022Views: 254
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Cannabis (1) : Alone (16), Bad Trips (6), Difficult Experiences (5)

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