Do You Want to Know the Truth?
Salvia divinorum
Citation:   Scooch. "Do You Want to Know the Truth?: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (exp89073)". Jan 20, 2014.

1 hit smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
Let me start by saying I am a very sane person. I am 36 years old. I have done numerous hallucinogens throughout my life. I was the type of guy who could take an extreme amount of LSD, mushrooms, etc and you wouldn't even know I was inebriated. I have 3 great kids and lead a normal life. I haven't done any type of hallucinogenics in over 4 years. That all changed last week.

I was hearing a lot of stuff in the news about Salvia. I was curious to see what the effects were like. All I really knew about it was an herb in the mint family (a type of sage). I also heard native Indians used to use it for certain occasions. I did no research what so ever except on how to smoke the salvia. I thought because of my extended history with hallucinogenics that I would need the strong extract form. I bought salvia extract 60X. I think I started a little too strong, or did I?

I went out to my greenhouse (where I strictly grow citrus plants and orchids) to smoke, so I sprinkled the extract over a small amount of weed in my glass bowl. A light covering over the entire bowl. I breathed all the way out so I could get a real huge hit. I inhaled and tried to light as much of the salvia as possible. When I felt like I couldn't inhale any more, I started counting to 30 while I held my breath. It was a windy day so the greenhouse walls were blowing in and out. When my count got to about 7 I noticed the walls started moving more and more. At 15 they were almost touching me and at around 21 I lost consciousness.

Now I went from my greenhouse to a white room. No painful transformations at all I just appeared to be in a white room with 1 door. There were two, maybe three, other what appeared to be humans in the room. Not sure of the sexes except for the one by the door, he was a male. He said to me (this was the only thing any human verbally said to me) 'you are not supposed to be here, they are coming for you'. He said this is reality and my world is not real. Then all of a sudden a force started pulling him out the door feet first. I peered out the door as he was being sucked out and saw another place in the background. As quick as the background appeared it disappeared. Now there was a presence in the room with me. The other person or people in the room disappeared. Nothing was verbally said to me at all. Something was transferred into my mind that words couldn't have described in such a short time. Basically that this world was fake and they are controlling things. I remember the feeling that I felt when I was shown the vision. It was very depressing thinking my children my girlfriend, all friends, family and memories were all not real but illicitly made. I saw something hanging on a hook like a coat would be hung. It almost looked like a body but deflated. It looked like it was plugged into the hook. The next thing I knew something is tugging on my leg pulling me under the floor. The feeling was like standing in a sleeping bag, then being forced through a small hole in the ground. Eventually my entire body and head passed through the hole. There was a fabric around my head much like the sleeping bag but thinner more mesh like. The next thing I know the fabric rips over my head like Velcro and the stone floor is meshed with my face. Another minute goes by and I am laying on the greenhouse floor. The entire adventure down the rabbit hole lasted about 10 minutes then I felt a little groggy for another 20 minutes, then it was gone.

I have come to the realization that one of two things happened. Either those hallucinations were thoughts hidden in my unconscious that came out from the salvia experience or I tapped into something and saw what might be the truth. I never did any salvia research before I smoked the salvia. Now looking at testimonials from peoples' experiences I notice a large number of similar happenings. The brain is capable of unthinkable feats. Could salvia block out a filter our keepers place on us from seeing the truth? The presence that gave me info was everywhere yet I never saw it. It's hard to explain. I don't want to open Pandora's box and I don't want something to make me disappear for knowing too much. If what I saw is true then it knows everything. Would I try to go back down the salvia road again, I don't know. I know that from my research now, not everyone is able to see certain things. I think it's according to how deep of a person you are. You know what else is really weird? I never thought that the whole alien matrix thing was possible. If I never thought it was possible or even plausible then why is my subconscious bringing it up? It makes me think even more that it wasn't my subconscious. I also notice when I really start thinking about what happened and start thinking real deep about what could be from my experience, I almost feel my self start to get that feeling I had after the intense part of the salvia trip. Like I said I don't want to dig too deep, for I might not like what I find.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 89073
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 36
Published: Jan 20, 2014Views: 3,264
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Salvia divinorum (44) : First Times (2), Entities / Beings (37), Alone (16)

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