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Blasted to the Infinite
Alcohol, Cannabis & Changa (Smoked MAOI & DMT)
Citation:   ZenXi6. "Blasted to the Infinite: An Experience with Alcohol, Cannabis & Changa (Smoked MAOI & DMT) (exp90224)". Jan 5, 2012.

  repeated oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine
    repeated smoked Cannabis
  3 bowls smoked Changa
This won't be a long report, because it seems as if my mind has blocked out most of the experience.

It was a Saturday night, a full moon and a super moon (When the moon and Earth are closest together, once every 18 years). Me and my girlfriend had been out drinking with her friends, and had drank quite a lot. We eventually headed home around the 2am mark.

When we got home, we grabbed another bottle of wine from the fridge, sat out in the backyard, rolled a spliff and sat around smoking and drinking.

I'd recently received some Changa from a friend, which he told me was particularly special, saying that there was something extra... unique about this particular DMT and Changa mix. I'd been hankering to try it for a bit, but the right opportunity hadn't come up. Normally I don't mix alcohol and psychedelics, but with the full moon and general good moods, I thought it a good idea to give it a try. And wow.

The first pipe, my partner and I had one together. She said she didn't have a very good experience (She prefers more ritualistic and natural settings for trips, as do I, but she doesn't take other settings as well as I). It wasn't a breakthrough experience, but the fractal-visuals were amazing and throughout everything. The main thing I remember from that first pipe though, was the sense of purpose...

Here, I'll digress a moment. I've been pondering on the nature of DMT in the world. What's it for? What's its purpose? I almost feel as if, sometimes when smoking it, it takes over my entire thought / purpose processes in my mind, replacing the regular chemicals with DMT, and its desires and purpose.

I had stood up and started walking, exploring the world around me. After it started wearing down, I wanted another pipe. I smoked again, same thing with the visuals and vague purpose.

I decided one more...
It seems that third time's the charm.

That third inhalation was the last thing I remember....

The next part, I can't describe very well, but I'll try my best...

I remember intense visuals, barely being able to properly see, god knows how long this went on for, but I believe the trip lasted a LOT longer than usual.. perhaps over half an hour... I tried to think, but I wasn't capable of any thought whatsoever... no thought of my own, anyway. I realised that I had destroyed my mind, it was gone, me was gone, ego was gone... I felt as if I were in an infinite tesselation of colours, dimensions and things, all one pulsating, transforming, interdimensional somethingorother.

The sense of dread, I can not explain. For, it wasn't feared dread, just acceptance dread... I had left this world entirely, I would never return, it should've made me sad.. but it didn't, I felt incredible. I didn't feel. I couldn't, there was no I.

I don't remember getting up from outside, suddenly I was inside, in the middle of the most intense sex with my partner... we had torn each other's clothes off, and she was half on the bed, half off, screaming in ecstasy. I felt one with her, I felt as if this was it, we'd be doing this forever (not such a bad thing.. hehe). Infinite sexual ecstasy and reproduction and transformation was what I felt... This went on for quite some time, and for the entire come down from the DMT.

I feel a majority of what happened in the experience was blocked out by my mind... with only inklings of what I experienced seeping through to me. It was heaven and hell. It was infinity. It was the Universe, it was the fabric of me, the fabric of everything... It was the inescapable and eternal.

I don't know how the alcohol effected the experience, whether it helped or hindered. It certainly wasn't a bad or dangerous trip, but perhaps I'd have remembered more if I were sober.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 90224
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Jan 5, 2012Views: 2,118
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