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Sell My Soul for a Minute of Heaven
Citation:   Klyde Segur. "Sell My Soul for a Minute of Heaven: An Experience with Oxymorphone (exp90780)". Oct 9, 2016.

10 mg insufflated Pharms - Oxymorphone (ground / crushed)
God these pills are absolutely AMAZING. They are god's true creation which is what makes them the worst thing ever.

I've been doing opiates since I was in the 10th grade. I was getting them for 'free' if you know what I mean. The hour drive to my source meant I did not get them much but I estimate over the course of high school I did several thousand MG's worth of oxies with the occasional hydro mixed in there. Loved it, I could not get enough of them, HOWEVER I refused to pay for them.

I guess you could call what I had an addiction but I would never spend money on these wicked things, I would buy weed instead. Not a exactly an awesome idea but better than developing a serious habit.

Come 2nd semester of college. I've been writing alot of English essays for people and so I have alot of money and I've quit smoking weed for good.

Heres the equation. I have $. I do not smoke weed, I rarely drink, The blow here is pure shite, and acid and shrooms are remarkably hard to come by and not something you can just do anytime.

This leaves one option, you guessed it the Devil Pills. Before last semester I would never have dropped money on pills and now I'm sitting in the library trying to write an essay but all I can think about is snorting an Opana.

I have a pretty heft tolerance and first time I did an Opana felt like the first time I ever did an Oxy. I was in heaven. I felt warm, I felt empathy for my fellow man, I loved everyone and was happy to talk to them about anything. I felt like the world was right. And best of all, all I had to do was a quarter of a pill (10MG) to feel like this.

This puny little line made me feel like god. And then it fades out after a bit and I'm left itching myself and wondering what to do with the rest of my night. A note here my friends who don't have this wicked tolerance were high for hours I was lucky for 45 minutes.

I have been going through mini withdrawals the last few days and they suck. I literally CAN NOT imagine what withdrawing from a full-blown addiction would be like.

I have had my 'addiction under control' for years but It has just come to the point where I'm actually craving these pills and It honestly scares the shit out of me.

This drug is insane. I've never touched heroin but I can imagine the two are very comparable.

My friend did about 10mg three days ago and it was his first opiate and he puked 6 times or something.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 90780
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Oct 9, 2016Views: 3,398
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Pharms - Oxymorphone (221) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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