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A Reason to Live
Citation:   No Staw. "A Reason to Live: An Experience with LSD (exp95723)". Oct 19, 2020.

2 hits oral LSD (edible / food)
I had been wanting to try psychedelics for quite some time. I'd gone my whole life without ever really knowing what they were in the first place, but when I got to college and started studying some LSD research in a Transpersonal Psychology class, I began to get really interested in the effects of these types of substances. A few friends of mine had already tried LSD and shrooms, but I'd never gotten the chance to partake with them.

This day was different, however, as I had recently found out one of the new students at my school had some liquid that he was selling on Sour Patch Kids. I texted him early in the day asking for 2 hits and simply spent most of the day playing my guitar and waiting for him to arrive in my end of town with the acid.

It was later, about 8 P.M., when I finally got my hands on the hits. I ate the two candies and walked over to my friend's house. This friend had bought 2 grams of weed for us to smoke while I was tripping, he said it would enhance the effects of the acid. I think it did.

I started to notice effects around 20 minutes after I ate the candies. The body high was incredible, I still remember it as one of the greatest feelings I've had in my whole life. I started to notice slight flashes of light under chairs and in the darkness, slowly feeling stranger and stranger, but feeling very good. I think the most accurate description of how it felt to come up on my first acid trip would simply be feeling pure unconditional love for the very first time.

I don't remember much of the time between coming up and the peak. When the visuals began to start for me, I saw vivid patterns absolutely everywhere in everything I looked at. Random words, letters, pictures, sections of album art, maps, everything fit together like a puzzle covering the floor. I lost awareness soon after this point.

The next thing I remember is looking down and watching my hands play my guitar. This is one of the greatest memories of my entire life. I had no idea who I was or what I was, thinking I was actually someone else, completely and totally disoriented. But I was still playing my guitar, and from what everyone who was there said I was playing quite well, and playing things that I had previously never been able to play before.

After that, a bunch more crazy things happened. Intense colours, flashing lights, watching cities form out of my pants and grow and bulge. But nothing for me will ever be as significant as the moment after coming down from the trip that I had something in my life to live for and be happy about, and that is music. I now have confidence in my ability to play music and I never want to stop playing my guitar. It's the way I express things that I don't know how to with words, and it's the way I create the things I can't without using my imagination. It's my release and my drive in life.

I was incredibly depressed before taking LSD for the first time. I was toying with suicide and almost wanted to quit playing music for a while. But this first acid trip showed me that I have nothing to be depressed about and life is worth living no matter what.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 95723
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Oct 19, 2020Views: 594
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