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Citation:   Simon. "Beautiful: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp95998)". Nov 19, 2022.

3.5 g oral Mushrooms
  1 cig. smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes
I've tripped about 10 times in my life and only with mushrooms. This is about my last trip that happened.

I decided to take an 1/8 and trip at my place alone. These were supposedly strong mushrooms so I was expecting a good ride. I took them and just started to listen to some music. They started to kick in after only like 20 minutes and I started to feel this great warmth come over my whole body. It felt amazing. This is when I knew I was going to be gone for at least a good 4 hours. I was slowly little by little letting myself go and letting the shrooms take me where they were going. I had my eyes closed while this was happening and I was getting some really cool visuals at that point. I was going past circles of color...shapes..and brightness. I remember the brightness was incredible kinda like sparkling diamonds in the sun. After I had my eyes closed for a while...I opened them up and saw my living room in such a different way. The walls have expanded and the ceiling was shifting. The ceiling was slowly swirling in bright greens and purples. I was also seeing like butterfly patterns or like aztec calender types of shapes in my ceiling. It was really really beautiful. At this point I still wanted to lay down as I was still climbing. This is when I felt like there were 20 pairs of hands supporting me under my body and just felt this intense feeling of support and love. I felt like god was covering me up with a warm blanket and reassuring me that everything was fine and everything is going to be ok but I never once had a bad thought enter my mind. This made me feel even more comforted and loved.

After laying down for a while...I decided to get up and smoke a cigarette. This is when I noticed colors of energy kinda like radiating out from me and was noticing cool tracers. At this point everything looked cool. I remember sitting back down and the walls in my living room seemed to be closer than usual. So I stretched out my arm and pretended to poke the wall with my finger and ripples spread out when I 'poked' the wall. I did this several times and it happened every time. Exactly like that movie Contact with Jodie Foster at the end when she visits that planet and touches the sky and realizes the place she sees isn't real. Like the ripples you would see in the water if you threw a rock in a flat lake. This is when I this world real. What if the real life we live is just an illusion. But we just don't know because it is the only reality we do know. So I thought about that for a while and continued to listen to music and just feel and see the energy all around me. After what seemed of hours of visuals and introspective thinking I could feel my self slowly coming down like god was gently lowering me down and carefully placing me back on the ground. Real smooth. This trip the colors were really bright and the visuals were really cool. Overall it was a really good, pleasant and positive experience.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 95998
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Nov 19, 2022Views: 259
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Mushrooms (39) : Alone (16), Glowing Experiences (4)

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