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I Find Blissful Beauty Now
LSD, DMT & Cannabis
by A3
Citation:   A3. "I Find Blissful Beauty Now: An Experience with LSD, DMT & Cannabis (exp96382)". Sep 4, 2018.

  repeated smoked DMT  
  1 hit oral LSD (edible / food)
  6 bowls smoked Cannabis  

I am at a local music festival, where drugs are widely available, but surprisingly no high number of hospitalizations and deaths. It's the 2nd day out of 4; Me and my only mate didn't stock too mighty on food, but plenty of water. I end up going to pretty much the only people I can trust about not getting bunk, and planned to buy a 'clean dose' that I had heard him say on the previous day. As I'm approaching their site, I hear him say: 'Hey man, you wanna smoke some DMT?' I say yes and sit down with him, and continue to smoke really good DMT ( I had gotten sparked on other DMT the previous day) for free and ended up buying a .1 for 15 because I had enjoyed it so much.

I take a rest from smoking DMT and hang with friends and after a while, I decided it was time to rip some more DMT with my camp mate. After I realized I couldn't make this DMT last all day, I deceided to actually buy myself a 'clean dose'. I obtain it while I watch him eat another 1 and a half because 'they're so good'. He takes a plastic vial, places the other half of his Sour Patch Kid into the vial and drops 3 drops of his multi drug testing solution, and instantly goes pitch black. I instantly place my Sour Patch Kid in my mouth and begin to chew and suck at approximately 7pm, which I had planned to enjoy with everything that is going on.

I enjoy a familiar onset high of the drug that I am on, and after an hour, I begin to get higher. I headed to the middle of the festival where the porta-potties are located, and used one of them. After I had gotten out, I had realized that I am soon going to be incapacitated so I head for the tent with my camp mate, where we lay down for about 45 minutes. During this time, I begin to get as comfortable as possible, which I had enjoyed. I realized I'm going to be incapacitated for a nice while, and eventually my body has recognized this substance as a poison.

I had waves of nausea. I was tripping almost as hard as some of the waves of the '2 doses LSD' (which were ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF for about 4 minutes at a time, where this LSD waves were surprising, random, and long). I had third eye visuals of a roll of film sliding to the left with perfect circles next to each other in it; one representing me, the next, the universe, then me, then the universe, and so on; it kept sliding from me to me to me, past the universe every time, except for one time, the last time, when it landed on the universe, then the third eye visual dissipated. I was shocked and thought that I had done something seriously wrong.

I was starting to talk to myself, which my friend lay spun like a cookie. I tried to get up and talk to him, but he would get up, look at me confused, and go back to bed; disturbing. I took nice portions of water when I thought I needed it. I eventually started to see white with normal vision on the outskirts, and I was shaking acutely uncontrollably, I had honestly thought that I was going to 'white out' and that this was the highest I would ever get. I try to mentally shake it off and I look at my phone to see what time it was.

7:35?! For some reason I thought I had entered my tent at that time and I thought I was stuck in some sort of loop; I listen for the evidence; not there, thank the lord. Whiting out starts to come back, 'Holy shit I can't believe I'm going to black out on LSD' I thought to myself. I try to shake it off again, it goes away like a gorilla off my back. My friend is still fried, I decide to leave, for I am starting to feel bliss.

My friend that I had put on my stay away from list attended, took 2 doses of this LSD half an hour later I did, and he has a weaker mindset, never mind the fact that he said he didn't want to get too fucked up anyways. We meet up and give each other a massive hug at about 10 mph. We instantly can feel each others bliss and hang out until about 4am, which I return to to sleep. I knew what bliss was. I had a head ache that honestly went along with the bliss, I enjoyed running my hand threw my head and hair.


-People's voices seeming familiar
-Getting higher when separated alone
-Dilated pupils
-Third eye visuals
-Long, surprising waves for a long time
-Being naturally faster at everything
-Finding a place to hang, then choosing to leave shortly after
-Strong visuals

Mescaline was my favorite drug prior to that day. Now my favorite drug is LSD; I find blissful beauty in quite a bit of things now, A great pick me up to my life as a 21st century American, if you know what I mean.


'Keep the Love for Life'

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 96382
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Sep 4, 2018Views: 764
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LSD (2) : Combinations (3), General (1), Festival / Lg. Crowd (24)

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