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My Night with Dramamine
Citation:   Krazee Dave. "My Night with Dramamine: An Experience with Dimenhydrinate (exp968)". Dec 12, 2000.

12 tablets oral Dimenhydrinate (pill / tablet)
I have read a lot about tripping off dramamine motion sickness pills and I have talked to a friend during and after a trip and decided to try for myself.

My first experience was with only 6 pills (a box split between me and another friend), mainly because I was worried about taking 12 of anything. Within 30 minutes or so we both became really heavy feeling and could not control our laughter, we also became VERY tired.

My second experience was with all 12 of the pills, again within 1/2 an hour the effects became evident. It began with lightheadedness and I felt really heavy and relaxed. Eventually visuals set in, in the form of neon dots and lines flying around, and a poster of an alien on my wall kept disappearing, reappearing and winking. I also heard what sounded like a train coming straight at my room, which really spooked me. Suddenly my aunt was in my room. She told me something and I listened, then I blinked and as soon as she appeared, she vanished. It seemed so real. I decided to walk around the house and took a trip to the bathroom. When I left I saw my sister awake in bed (it was 2 am) and talking. I told my mother (who was awake with my li'l bro) and she went to tell her to go to sleep. My mom then told me everyone was sound asleep. Very real and very freaky. Upon entering my room, I went to sleep (passed out) and woke up the next day feeling fine.

This was quite the experience and I plan on a larger dose, around 18. I will write about that as soon as I get around to doing it.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 968
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 12, 2000Views: 7,490
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Dimenhydrinate (17) : Alone (16), General (1)

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