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Sober Tripsitter
Citation:   Dutchwife. "Sober Tripsitter: An Experience with MDMA (exp96954)". Apr 6, 2018.

0.5 mg oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  0.5 tablets oral MDMA  
The night started off pretty normally in my boyfriend's room, 2 litres of Fanta each and Family Guy on Comedy Central. Tested the pill with Marquis and Simon's Reagent, definitely MDMA, and tried to split the pill by hand. It was a tough bastard so I resorted to using a knife, but at least it was well-pressed. Swallowed the smaller half and nursed my Fanta for about 10 minutes before running to the bathroom to check my blood sugar while trying to look totally innocent because of the other people in the house. Looking in the mirror I could see my pupils pulsing slightly and I had a big fat grin I couldn’t control.

Back in the room all the lights were off and he had some loud tek music going and the TV off. My boyfriend stayed sober since it was my first time pill-popping. We started off facing each other on the bed cross legged and talking until about 30 minutes after I swallowed the pill, after that I could feel myself slowly melting into a grinning puddle and slightly losing the strength in my body.
I could feel myself slowly melting into a grinning puddle and slightly losing the strength in my body.
He caught me before I fell off and let me lie down next to him with my legs peddling and kicking beyond my control. Most of the next hour was pretty dedicated to talking about our hopes, dreams, futures, me, him and the dreaded “us” that I’m usually unable to talk about without clamming up and avoiding the conversation. However on this occasion I was totally free to talk about anything and everything, much to his amusement (apparently I spilled quite a few secrets that night).

My mouth wouldn’t stop feeling dry, so I swigged my bottle of Fanta (falling off the bed and pouring the bottle over my head at the same time). I took ten minutes to marvel at the time that had passed, despite his protests that it would ruin the trip. I kept on repeating “but it only feels like ten minutes”, unsure of whether I was speaking or thinking. He was pretty quick to tell me I was repeating myself, so I apologised and explained “it’s like there’s no filter between my brain and my mouth”. Then I repeated that for another five minutes. Instead of trying to tell me he just kissed me to keep me quiet.

This is where we progressed into the fun stuff, snogging, heavy petting, oral sex. He learnt pretty quickly that letting me go down on him was a bad idea, since my jaws were grinding and I couldn’t help it. Luckily he escaped with a shock and no major injury. Full-on penetrative sex wasn’t particularly physically remarkable, but it was extremely emotionally satisfying. Apparently talking about his relationship with his father while he was inside me was a no-no though.

Three hours into the trip and we devolve back into kissing, cuddling, and me rubbing my face on his shoulder like a cat while I gradually come down. This time we talk about the most meaningless and random things. Brands of condoms he used with his ex-girlfriends, why they don’t sell my favourite Fanta in the Netherlands, how I should cut my hair and what I should try next, since I was a drugs virgin up until that night (decided on LSD, but that’s a story for another submission). I could feel my blood sugar was pretty low so I started chugging what little of my Fanta hadn’t soaked into the carpet.

Four hours after I took it and I felt physically and emotionally exhausted, but it still took me another hour and a half to fall asleep. I woke up twelve hours later with clumps of my hair stuck to the pillow because of the sugar from the Fanta.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 96954
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Apr 6, 2018Views: 889
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