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The Flower of Life
DMT & Cannabis
Citation:   sonja. "The Flower of Life: An Experience with DMT & Cannabis (exp97957)". Apr 26, 2019.

  smoked DMT
    smoked Cannabis
I had the opportunity to experience smoking dmt with two friends earlier this year at their apartment. This was my first and only experience.

I started seeing geometric patterns, similar to the flower of life and a vibrating sound which got louder and louder. All of a sudden I was back at home hanging out the washing with my eldest daughter a few meters away at the door of the house, when a flash of light went off and I thought it was a nuclear bomb having been set off. My daughter at the door was reaching out for me. Everything around just disintegrated including myself. Every atom just came apart. I was frightened at this stage as I really thought that is what was happening. (The two people I was with said that I stood up out of my chair and shrieked a terrible cry as I was saying ‘No!’) I felt it wasn’t just me but the whole planet involved. I knew I had died, that everything had died. I felt immense sorrow. Then I reminded myself to go with it and headed towards light.

Now I was in a totally different dimension. Instead of seeing the flower of life, I was part of it. We all were (each one of us a petal) but beings of light not in a physical sense. It seemed we were in space, hovering above the earth. It was like some kind of collective consciousness.
It was like some kind of collective consciousness.
Some petals (souls) had turned black with darkness and were falling off the flower. The rest of the illuminated petals were joining each other as though to save the flower (earth)? It felt like absolute chaos as the petals (souls) that were falling were trying to cling onto the rest. But in that moment an incredible large sphere of illuminescent white light (I understood it to be the source) appeared above us all. Those that were still shining bright all flew towards it, united. We all moulded in with the light, as we were light beings ourselves. There was no sensation of 'I' we were one, every spirit part of the one. I felt an intense feeling of love and understanding, a feeling of going home. The two people that were in the room with me said I was reaching up into the air with a look of total love and and awe. I remember doing it, but didn’t realize I was actually doing it physically.

We were in the great spaces of the universe. I could sense other beings around also. I could sense them and in a way would communicate telepathically.

Then I just started traveling through an incredible place of knowledge - A tube, a library, but not in the sense of books. It was like neon coloured tubes, although with a form of transparency. There were many, many of these tubes intermingling and going off into different directions. I was surfing/ flying through them with no form of physical being at all, just a light and gaining knowledge every segment I followed. There were other beings guiding me through. They were excited to be showing me around. After a little while, I seemed to take the reins and could go in any direction I wished, learn whatever I wanted to learn.

The colours and geometric patterns were incredible. I realised that we are not of this world but a much more universal spirit. I understood that we need to unite in a fearless collective consciousness, to save our dear mother earth.

Apparently I had my eyes open the whole time, although I could not focus on anything in the room as I just wasn’t even there whilst on my journey. Once I had begun to come back, I could see auras, and energy flows around me and the other two in the room. Like rainbow colours coming out of my head and around my body, connecting at the chakra points.

I was surprised to find the same kind of geometric patterns and places I have seen in deep meditation.
I was surprised to find the same kind of geometric patterns and places I have seen in deep meditation.
Only this is just about 100 times more intense. Also similarities with downloads I felt like I was getting in Egypt last year. Images (many geometric shapes) coming in at a hundred miles an hour. Towards the end of my journey I was handed a key? When I came back 45mins had passed.

I must say the most profound and life altering experience of my life.

Something else worthwhile mentioning. I had left my mobile phone in the car. My eldest daughter was at home that day, and called me whilst I was on my journey. When I was on my way back home, I returned her call, only for her to say 'Are you alright mum? I just had a feeling something happened to you and I was worried.' I wonder if this was the moment when I had the vision of hanging out the washing when she reached out to me? Strange that she somehow knew? 12 years old and 20km away from where I was at the time?

[Reported Dose: "Not sure... a bit sprinkled on top of marijuana cone"]

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 97957
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 41
Published: Apr 26, 2019Views: 943
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DMT (18) : Mystical Experiences (9), Entities / Beings (37), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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