Unexpected Trip
Citation:   Andy-bad. "Unexpected Trip: An Experience with Cannabis (exp9923)". Erowid.org. Jul 11, 2005. erowid.org/exp/9923

6 hits smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I'm often alone among my peers in that I experience much more intense effects from smoking marijuana than they do. I often trip from smoking pot, and recently I experienced a very intense trip which was not all pleasurable.

I went to a friend's house, and smoked maybe six large hits from a blunt. I began getting extremely high, and stopped smoking after that. I started feeling very anxious, my heart was pounding and I could feel my muscles spasming irregularly, although not violently. I went home and tried to relax, but I found it impossible.

I began to see straight up hallucinations, like a multicolored wave in from of my eyes just morphing and shifting, then neon psychedelic ribbons and spirals. I felt like I'd eaten a ten-strip of acid. I'm not sure what happened next but I seemed to be going deeper and deeper into this altered state, and I had trouble fighting it. Even when I put on some music I found it a little frightening, as well as when I tried to placate myself with a movie; it was as if I didn't understand what these things were anymore. I kept getting horrible shivers as well, that wracked my entire body, as if I were cold. I ended up just going to sleep after some struggle, and felt fine in the morning.

I think some people are hyper-sensitive to weed and maybe should just smoke enough to get a mild buzz, unless they are intending to trip. I know I'm going to limit my smoking from here on out, and when I feel like tripping, I'll smoke like my friends do, which is without restraint.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 9923
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 11, 2005Views: 5,352
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Cannabis (1) : Overdose (29), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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