Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
A Whole New Perspective
Citation:   Sunshine In a Bag. "A Whole New Perspective: An Experience with 2C-I (exp99291)". Jul 9, 2013.

  insufflated 2C-I
This was to be my first Psychedelic experience. I had planned for a couple of weeks to go to a local hippy festival and enjoy various substances. It was me and two people whom I shall refer to as D, and N.

We arrived together and began pitching our tents,when somebody we all knew from College to be a rather reliable dealer came upon us. He began asking if we wanted something to 'Tease the eye', realizing what he was referring to (Cheesy sell I know) I bought a hit of 2C-I off of him.

The hit came in a clear plastic capsule which I was instructed to take in half and bump the powder inside. It was a slightly off white pinky color. It didn't hurt too much to insufflate apart from an initial burn.

Me and D went for a walk down to a little lake through a small forest at the bottom of the campsite. People were sneaking in this way to avoid having to pay for a ticket so we started heading back. This was about 20 minutes after dosing. I was slowly feeling a rising feeling in my stomach and an ominous sense of something about to happen.

We arrived back at the campsite and my friend N had only just been made aware that I had taken 2C-I. She asked if I felt or saw anything. (About half an hour in now) When she asked, apart from the things described before I didn't think I was feeling anything else. But I looked out to the horizon.

This is when things started to take a turn for the stranger.

The site was surrounded by forest on all sides, and the trees were offering some interesting visuals. It appeared as though I could see in perfect detail the wind rolling out over the trees; it looked almost slow motion. I nodded to my friend, and she left it at that.

We headed into N's tent, as her and D had just purchased a gram of MDMA and wanted to insufflate some. Visuals were really starting to take hold now, the tree rolling had become even more intense, and the grass had gained a life of it's own.

Zipping up the tent, things began to feel quite claustrophobic, but I didn't let it bother me, lest I start having a bad trip. N, and D both did lines of MDMA, offering me one, but I didn't want to mar my experience with other substances. At this point I started having a strange side effect, (about an hour in now) there was a bizzare sensation flowing through my head, very like having your ears pop but much more so. As it ebbed and flowed through my head, so did the visuals. Patterns on the inside of the tent began to radiate in and out, flow, mix and grow. I decided to leave the tent and see if it helped the odd sensation I was experiencing.

The next hour or so are rather hazy in my memory, which I feel was from the intensity of the experience being hard to integrate. I know that I was stumbling around looking at things with great intensity, and generally speaking little.

Something I noticed that happened with regularity through the trip was that I would often get so entranced with something, that I would almost completely forget where I was. Upon coming to my senses for the first time, I realized I was in a rather spacious tent, with carpets and two mattresses. It turns out that hippy friends of D and N had bough a ten man army tent with them, and were letting us and about 5 other people chill in there.

It was great, the tent was very comfy and warm, especially considering it was nearly night now (about two-ish hours in). I was enjoying the carpet immensely, it had very complicated patterns and they almost seemed to rise out of the carpet and twine around each other and flow away. Someone had set up a lantern on a small table in the middle of the tent and this became extremely interesting to me.

You could tell the lantern and the table were regularly used. The lantern was dirty and stained, and the table was covered in wax. But during the trip I could in the most detailed way see the entire flow of wax dripping nearly endlessly down the table. Even though the candle being used was a tiny little thing, not even dripping wax.
At some point I realized people were talking all around me, and someone uttered (in what seemed to me) with the greatest of emphasis the word 'Acid'. As they said it my entire perception seemed to change. The metal of the lamp seemed to take the most solid, almost 'ultra-real' nature, though I guess that's a rather ineffable description.

I sat there appreciating the visuals for around an hour, when someone new entered the tent. He was obviously the oldest of the hippies, and though nobody had told him, he immediately picked up on the fact that I was tripping.

He grabbed me by the arm, and pulled me out of the tent. He began explaining to me, somehow, the nature of what I was seeing. Pulling me close to a tree and showing me how everything in nature is made up of fractals. Normally I would of shrugged this off as superstitious nonsense, but at the time it made so much sense to me. Everything he was saying took on such an air of profundity. He was practically my impromptu trip sitter.

After a long (I think about 2 hour) deep conversation with the man, I headed back into the tent to tell A And N that I was gonna head back to our tent and get some sleep.
I was told that after seeing how much I was seemingly enjoying my trip they'd also each bought a hit. I wished them good luck and retired to attempt some sleep.

I curled up into my extremely comfortable sleeping bag and realized that sleep just wasn't going to happen. The visuals had started to taper off, but I was still feeling strangely speedy. So I laid with my head just propped out of the tent appreciating the cloudless night and full moon.

Up until now I hadn't really had any proper psychological changes. But a large domestic had just begun in a nearby tent and I began to have some insight. I realized that the nature of common arguments are futile and that ultimately result in no betterment for either party. They only end in more resentment.

After having insight after insight for around an hour I finally felt tired enough to get some sleep. I slept quite disjointedly, waking up a few times. Though when morning came I felt relatively refreshed and in a positive mood.

Overall after some hindsight with other psychedelics (DMT, Salvia and Shrooms) I would rate my first trip with 2C-I to be a very good one. Great visuals, a little confusion and body load, but a very interesting one.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 99291
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Jul 9, 2013Views: 2,719
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2C-I (172) : Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Glowing Experiences (4), Festival / Lg. Crowd (24)

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