Kratom Overload
borneo green vein borneo red vein maeng da kratom
Citation:   Funky Junky. "Kratom Overload: An Experience with borneo green vein borneo red vein maeng da kratom (exp99425)". Jan 15, 2014.

T+ 0:00
5.5 g oral Kratom (dried)
  T+ 1:00 5.5 g oral Kratom (dried)
  T+ 1:15 5.5 g oral Kratom (dried)
So I've been using kratom everyday for a few weeks (less than a month). Today I woke at 11am and like everyday took a 5 to 6 gram dose of red vein, green vein, and maeng da. I'm not quite sure of the dose because I use a tablespoon, since I don't have a scale. I've emptied .5g capsules to get the average. I get 4 caps into a tbls.

At noon I re-dosed with 3 tbls. Usually I stop because i'm pretty well off. I walked to the corner mart to get my daily energy drink and ran into a fellow loadie and told him about my new preferred high. He said he was interested, so we came back to the house and I gave him a tbls of each. This was around noon.

Not 15 minutes later I got to my most intense kratom high yet. I was trying to write a set of numbers and then my vision became extremely impaired. My eyes were violently shaking from left to right. As you can imagine the fear set in as fast as the dizzy did.

My first reaction was to go release the poison. So I went to the bathroom and evacuated. I felt like i drank a fifth of whiskey. Except after it was out I was no longer dizzy. After evacuation I had to eat. I ate some soup which saved the day.

From here I rode the wave getting the random eye flutters. Then I drank my energy drink, smoked a bowl and was relieved to fall back to normal kratom high. Peak overload was about 1 to 2hrs. It is now 5:30pm and I still feel wonderful.

I have to say to all the kratom skeptics that this drug is no joke. You must respect this because it will grab you by the booboo. I think I've found my limit.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 99425
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 31
Published: Jan 15, 2014Views: 5,540
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Kratom (203) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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