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Building Pleasure
MDMA (Ecstasy) & Cannabis
Citation:   dreadz. "Building Pleasure: An Experience with MDMA (Ecstasy) & Cannabis (exp99561)". Dec 28, 2022.

T+ 0:00
1 tablet oral MDMA
  T+ 1:30   repeated smoked Cannabis
  T+ 1:30   repeated smoked Tobacco
This evening a friend called and said he had acquired some 'Chicago mints' and asked if I was interested. I was familiar with the pills as I have encounter and tested them before showing to be very pure the one I got was a red blank that was around 100mg with slightly crumbly edges. At around 9pm I dosed my mint sublingually letting it slowly dissolve under my tongue tasting of high quality 'molly'.

+00:15 I am felling a nice warm come up begin I am at a solid +1 the effects of the drug are beginning to become apperent

+00:30 I am feeling nice and a little tired as I had been up the night before eating around 4 grams of p.cubensis so I lay down and close my eyes and drift of enjoying a nice slow roll. I am at about a +2 now. I start to drift off taking a restless 45 minute nap enjoying slight closed eye visuals.

+01:30 I come back from dream land and am greeted by a nice 'loved' feeling. I go to get my pipe and begin to pack my pipe withe some good quality brick weed. I hit my pipe 3 times and by now every hit is getting my 'roll' stronger and more euphoric. It feels so good to smoke. I am at a +3 now, there is no way to ignore that I am definitely rollin. My face and skin feel wondrous so I continue to smoke 3 more bowls mind you it is about a .15 bowl worth each hit. I get more warm and comfy so I roll up a cigarette with about .8 grams of natural tobacco and a filter with a flax paper, go outside smoke about half and it is pretty cold out. I get my phone charger out of my car and walk back inside. I put my phone on charge and smoke 2 more bowls.

+02:00 I decide to go listen to some music so I go over the my computer chair which I very comfy and plop down. I start listening to Tame impala-lonerism. The music sounds so amazing to my ears so I turn it up a bit. My headphones feel so nice on my ears

+02:30 I started to write this experience report realizing I was at a solid plus 3+ still and feeling I could write a solid E.R. This being my first by the way.

+03:00 A timer pops up say I had been writing for 34 minutes and should save so I copy the E.R. so far. I am still listing to tame impala it sounds so marvelous. I go smoke another 2 bowls of weed. I feel like I am starting to come down so I go out smoke the other half of my cigarette. The feeling pretty cold out but it feels so good on my skin every hit of my cigarette feels orgasmic. My whole body feels amazing was at strong +2 and as I was smoking and for about 30 minutes I am back at a +3. I feel like I am rollin pretty good my body feels warm and loving it washes over my being.

+03:30 I decide to smoke another cigarette so I go on the porch and find half of one in the ashtray. I light it up and its hard to hit then I realize it was a spliff that had been there a few days. A friend calls as I get in my car still smoking and drive to their house. My car is warmed up by the time I get there and I remember the subwoofers so on my way home I turned them on and listened to excisions shambhala '09 mix. The bass was fantastic on the way home it was nice to feel the waves of vibration coming from my trunk. I get home and I'm back at a +2 I smoke 4 bowls or so and dont get much higher. I turn on the breakfast club and start watching then came over to the computer to update my E.R.

+05:00 effects are winding down I smoked 3 more bowls of weed and went out to smoke a half a cigarette not quite base line but only at a strong + I am going to lay down and enjoy the slight closed eye visuals and nod off.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 99561
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Dec 28, 2022Views: 343
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Cannabis (1), MDMA (3) : Alone (16), General (1)

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