4-Fluoromethylphenidate (also 4F-MPH) Reports - General
(8 Total)

New Recommended Only the Dose Makes the Poison, I Have a Proof Paulus de Coubertin 4-Fluoromethylphenidate 2024 Oct 10
A Productive Tunnel-Vision Compound LysergicNexus 4F-MPH 2022 Dec 28
Somewhere Between Lackluster and Luster Tapesock 4-Fluoromethylphenidate 2022 Sep 30
Subtle but Effective ThePoobaman 4-Fluoromethylphenidate 2019 Mar 24
Essentially Methylphenidate QwalVis 4-Fluoromethylphenidate 2022 May 11
I Needed to Get Some Studying Done Nuxifyz 4-Fluoromethylphenidate 2021 Jun 10
Worthless Zirtonic 4-Fluoromethylphenidate 2018 Jul 02
OK but No Dexedrine DBPEPL 4-Fluoromethylphenidate 2022 Mar 26

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