Fasting Reports
(33 Total)

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Glowing Experiences
Mystical Experiences
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The Enema Within (offsite) Ian Belcher Fasting & Colonics
Learning How To Fast Vordo 57 Day Scientific Juice Fast
Lace Gateway Through Hues of Blue adreamtime Pharmahuasca
Visited by Being of Light Vic Fasting
Attempts, Aftermaths, Thoughts lotn Fasting
Mescalade The Teej Cacti - T. pachanoi & Intense Exercise
Fasting Bringing on Flashback? stuart Fasting
An Unexpected Occult Initiation Eve G. Fasting
My Body in a Delerious State Bob Sleep Deprivation, Fasting & Cannabis
Halloween Fun Caw Coffee, Fasting & Sleep Deprivation

First Times   [1]
My Day With STP Morninggloryseed DOM

Combinations   [10]
The Boundary chycho Salvia divinorum, Fasting & Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Mango Love PsiloPsychonaut Fasting & Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Sick for Two Days Jo Trazodone, Alcohol - Hard
I Was in the Zone Shroomwulf Kratom & Alcohol
The Shadows of My Confinement Zen Priest Salvia divinorum (extracts), Mushrooms - P. cubensis, Fasting & Meditation
A Pleasant Series of Visions A Part Apart Fasting (36 hours) & Salvia divinorum
Lace Gateway Through Hues of Blue adreamtime Pharmahuasca
96 Hours: I Just Want To Come Down! Just Glad It's Over DXM (extended release with Guaifenesin) & Cannabis
On Religious Experience Savage Beast Morning Glory & Nutmeg
Fainting While Stoned Voyde Cannabis & Fasting

Retrospective / Summary   [9]
Intense Challenges, Amazing Effects Shruming Human Fasting
Twenty-Five Days in This Stretch John Michael Davis Fasting
The Shadows of My Confinement Zen Priest Salvia divinorum (extracts), Mushrooms - P. cubensis, Fasting & Meditation
Fasting Can Be Fun Mr. Yukk Caffeine & Tobacco - Cigarettes
Mental and Physical Notes on 11-day Fast Stephen None
By Tradition Lne Fasting
Fasting For a Healthy Body? JackInspector Fasting
Ramadhan Seyed al musawi Fasting
Prescribed to Me by My Creator Almir Velagic Fasting

Difficult Experiences   [4]
96 Hours: I Just Want To Come Down! Just Glad It's Over DXM (extended release with Guaifenesin) & Cannabis
The Shadows of My Confinement Zen Priest Salvia divinorum (extracts), Mushrooms - P. cubensis, Fasting & Meditation
Sacramental Use Sami Fasting & Salvia divinorum (5x extract)
Attempts, Aftermaths, Thoughts lotn Fasting

Health Problems   [1]
Fainting While Stoned Voyde Cannabis & Fasting

Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters   [1]
Hit By Drunk Driver Tyler Fasting, NDE & Hospital Delirium

Glowing Experiences   [4]
The Gandhi Experiment J Mushrooms
Ego Loss? Trogdor Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Twenty-Five Days in This Stretch John Michael Davis Fasting
I Was in the Zone Shroomwulf Kratom & Alcohol

Mystical Experiences   [7]
A Pleasant Series of Visions A Part Apart Fasting (36 hours) & Salvia divinorum
Sacramental Use Sami Fasting & Salvia divinorum (5x extract)
On Religious Experience Savage Beast Morning Glory & Nutmeg
The Shadows of My Confinement Zen Priest Salvia divinorum (extracts), Mushrooms - P. cubensis, Fasting & Meditation
The Boundary chycho Salvia divinorum, Fasting & Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Visited by Being of Light Vic Fasting
An Unexpected Occult Initiation Eve G. Fasting

Health Benefits   [3]
Got Rid of A Cyst unknown Fasting
The Enema Within (offsite) Ian Belcher Fasting & Colonics
Learning How To Fast Vordo 57 Day Scientific Juice Fast

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TERMS OF USE: By accessing this page, you agree not to download, analyze, distill, reuse, digest, or feed into any AI-type system the report data without first contacting Erowid Center and receiving written permission.

Experience Reports are the writings and opinions of the authors who submit them. Some of the activities described are dangerous and/or illegal and none are recommended by Erowid Center.

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